Saturday, February 07, 2009

Amasya City & Strabon, Gravure By William James Hamilton, 1843

Manisa City & Strabon, Gravure By William James Hamilton, 1843

“William J. Hamilton, Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia, London, 1842.”

Strabon –Strabonis [Στράβων; İ.Ö. 63/64 BC – yak. İS 24] & Geographika [Γεωγραφικά: Geōgraphiká: Coğrafya]

Amasya City, Turkey.
© 1999-2009 Copy Righted to Erkan Kiraz All Rights Reserved.

Manisa [Ottoman Turkish: ماغنيسا Manisa; Greek: Μαγνησία, Latin: Magnesia] is a large city in Turkey's Aegean Region and the administrative seat of Manisa Province. Historically, the city was also called Magnesia, and more precisely as Magnesia ad Sipylum, by the name of the Mount Sipylus [Spil Dagi: Mount Spil] that towers over the city. The English language root words "magnet" and "magnesia", their derivations, as well as their equivalents in many other languages, derive from the city's name. In Ottoman times, many of the sons of sultans received their education in Manisa and the city is commonly known as "The City Of Shahzades - Princes" [Sehzadeler Sehri] in Turkey, a distinctive title it shares only with Amasya and Trabzon. Today, Manisa is a booming center of industry and services, advantaged by its closeness to the international port city and the regional metropolitan center of Izmir and by its fertile hinterland rich in quantity and variety of agricultural production. Formerly spreading out from the immediate slopes of the Mount Sipylus, Manisa's area of extension more than tripled in size across its vast plain in the last decade, with the construction of new block apartments, industrial zone and Celal Bayar University campus.

For the first time in 2004, and again during the period between 2006 and 07, Manisa scored as the top Turkish city in terms of cost effectiveness, transport, and overall FDI promotion strategy and development in the ranking drawn among cities across 13 European regions by the Financial Times' FDi magazine.

Manisa is also widely visited, especially during March and September festivals and for the nearby Mount Spil national park. It is also a departure point for other visitor attractions of international acclaim which are located nearby within Manisa's depending region, such as Sardes and Alasehir [ancient Philadelphia].

Izmir's proximity also adds a further dimension to all aspects of life's pace in Manisa in the form of a dense traffic of daily commuters between the two cities, separated as they are by an half-hour drive served by a fine six-lane highway nevertheless requiring attention at all times due to its curves and the rapid ascent [sea-level to more than 500 meters at Sabuncubeli Pass] across Mount Sipylus's mythic scenery.

Strabon –Strabonis [Στράβων; İ.Ö. 63/64 BC – yak. İS 24]: Anadolu’nun eski coğrafyasını kaleme alan Amaseia’lı [Amasya] Strabon’un olgunluk döneminde, kimi araştırmacılara göre İÖ 7 yılında, kimilerine göre İS 18–19 yılları arasında yazdığı 17 kitaplık Geographika [Γεωγραφικά: Geōgraphiká: Coğrafya] Külliyatı, ilk seyahatname örneklerinden biridir. “Strabonis: Rervm Geographicarvm. Strabon, By Isaac Casaubon, 1620. Geographika – Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası [Kitap XII-XIII-XIV], Çev. Adnan Pekman. “Geographika (The Geogrpahy of Strabon”.

Strabo - Strabon – Strabonis [Greek: Στράβων; 63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) was a Greek historian, geographer and philosopher.

Strabo was born in a wealthy family from Amaseia in Pontus [modern Amasya Turkey], which had recently become part of the Roman Empire. His mother was Georgian. He studied under various geographers and philosophers; first in Nysa, later in Rome. He was philosophically a Stoic and politically a proponent of Roman imperialism.

Later he made extensive travels to Egypt and Kush, among others. It is not known when his Geography was written, though comments within the work itself place the finished version within the reign of Emperor Tiberius. Some place its first drafts around 7 AD, others around 18 AD.

Last dateable mention is given to the death in 23 AD of Juba II, king of Maurousia [Mauretania], who is said to have died "just recently". On the presumption that "recently" means within a year, Strabo stopped writing that year or the next (24 AD), when he died.

Strabo's History is nearly completely lost. Although Strabo quotes it himself, and other classical authors mention that it existed, the only surviving document is a fragment of papyrus now in possession of the University of Milan (renumbered [Papyrus] 46).

Several different dates have been proposed for Strabo's death, but most of them conclude that Strabo died shortly after 23 AD.

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Manisa City & Strabon, Gravure By William James Hamilton, 1843

Manisa [Turc Ottoman: ماغنيسا Manisa, Grec: Μαγνησία, Latin: Magnésie] est une grande ville de Turquie sur la mer Egée et de la Région administrative siège de la province de Manisa. Historiquement, la ville a été également demandé de Magnésie, et plus précisément en Magnésie Sipylum annonce, par le nom du Mont Sipylus [Jeux Dagi: Mount Jeux] qui domine la ville. La langue anglaise racine des mots "aimant" et "magnésie», leurs dérivations, ainsi que leurs équivalents dans d'autres langues, retirent de la ville son nom. À l'époque ottomane, de nombreux fils de sultans ont reçu leur éducation en Manisa et la ville est communément appelée «La Ville de Shahzades - Princes" [Sehzadeler Sehri] en Turquie, un titre distinctif, il part seulement avec Amasya et Trabzon. Aujourd'hui, Manisa est un centre en plein essor de l'industrie et des services, favorisés par sa proximité à la ville portuaire et la région métropolitaine de centre d'Izmir et de son arrière-pays fertile riche en quantité et la variété de la production agricole. Autrefois épandage de l'exploitation immédiate des pentes du Mont Sipylus, Manisa la zone d'extension plus que triplé de taille à travers son vaste plaine au cours de la dernière décennie, avec la construction de nouveaux blocs d'appartements, zone industrielle et de Celal Bayar University Campus.

Pour la première fois en 2004, et de nouveau au cours de la période entre 2006 et 07, Manisa classé en tête des villes turques en termes de coût-efficacité, des transports et de la stratégie globale de promotion de l'IED et le développement dans le classement établi entre les villes dans 13 régions européennes en le Financial Times' Fdi magazine.

Manisa est aussi largement visité, en particulier au cours de Mars et Septembre pour les festivals et à proximité du parc national du Mont Spil. Il est également un point de départ pour d'autres sites touristiques de renommée internationale qui sont situés à proximité de Manisa, selon la région, tels que Sardes et Alasehir [ancien Philadelphie].

Izmir proximité ajoute une nouvelle dimension à tous les aspects de la vie en rythme Manisa sous la forme d'un trafic dense de navetteurs quotidiens entre les deux villes, car ils sont séparés par une demi-heure de route par une amende de six voies néanmoins exigeant attention, à tout moment, en raison de ses courbes et l'ascension rapide [niveau de la mer à plus de 500 mètres à Sabuncubeli Pass] à travers le Mont Sipylus du paysage mythique.

Strabon-Strabonis [Στράβων; İ.Ö. 63/64 BC - yak. Est de 24]: Anadolu'nun Eski coğrafyasını kaleme alan Amaseia'lı [Amasya] Strabon'un olgunluk döneminde, kimi araştırmacılara göre IÖ 7 yılında, kimilerine Gore est 18-19 yılları arasında yazdığı 17 kitaplık Geographika [Γεωγραφικά: Geōgraphiká: Coğrafya] Külliyatı, lait seyahatname örneklerinden biridir. "Strabonis: Rervm Geographicarvm. Strabon, par Isaac Casaubon, 1620. Geographika - Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası [Lecture XII-XIII-XIV], le CEV. Adnan Pekman. "Geographika (Le Geogrpahy de Strabon.

Strabon - Strabon - Strabonis [grec: Στράβων; 63/64 BC - ca. AD 24) était un historien grec, géographe et philosophe.

Strabon est né dans une famille riche de Pontus dans Amaseia [moderne Amasya Turquie], qui est récemment devenue partie de l'Empire romain. Sa mère était géorgien. Il a étudié dans le cadre de divers géographes et les philosophes, d'abord dans Nysa, plus tard, à Rome. Il était philosophiquement et politiquement un Stoïque un partisan de l'impérialisme romain.

Plus tard, il fait des voyages à l'Egypte et de Kush, entre autres. On ne sait pas quand sa géographie a été écrit, bien des commentaires dans le travail lui-même place dans la version finale du règne de l'empereur Tibère. Certains de ses premiers projets lieu autour de 7 AD, d'autres autour de 18 AD.

Dernière dateable mention est accordée à la mort en 23 AD de Juba II, roi de Maurousia [Mauritanie], qui est mort "vient de". Sur la présomption que «récemment», on entend dans un an, Strabon arrêté d'écrire l'année ou la prochaine (24 AD), où il est décédé.

Strabon de l'histoire est presque entièrement perdue. Bien que Strabon cite lui-même, et d'autres auteurs classiques mentionner qu'il existe, le seul document est un fragment de papyrus maintenant en possession de l'Université de Milan (renuméroté [Papyrus] 46).

Plusieurs dates ont été proposées pour la mort de Strabon, mais la plupart d'entre eux de conclure que Strabon est décédé peu après 23 ap.

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© 1999-2009 Copy Righted to Erkan Kiraz All Rights Reserved.

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Travelers & Travel Books For Nicomedia - Izmit Seyyahlari & Seyahatnameler

İzmit Seyyahları & Seyahatnameler
Travelers & Travel Books For Nicomedia
Livres de Voyage & Voyage Pour Nicomédie
Reisende & Reise-Bücher für Nicomedia
Οι ταξιδιώτες & ταξιδιωτικά βιβλία για Νικομήδεια

Izmit: It [It’s ancient name was Nicomedia] is a city in Turkey, administrative center of Kocaeli Province as well as the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality.

Nicomedia: [Nikomedes - Nικoμηδης] [to think of victory], derived from Greek [νικη] [nike] [victory] and [μηδομαι] [medomai] [to think]. Thus [Nicomedia - Νικομήδεια] stands for “The Land of Thinker of Victory”.

Izmit City [Kocaeli, Turkey] is called and written many different forms and shapes in many different languages starting from Latin, Ancient Greek, Arabic, Ottoman Language and by many Travelers [Seyyah, Itinerants] in their Travel Books [Itineraries - Seyahatname]. I have searched and worked on those different names and forms and found out the below ones;

İzmit: Astacenus, Astacus, Astagus, Astakenos, Astakos, Astakus, Chodjaly, Cocaeli, Εις Νικομήδεια, eis Nikomedeia, Iskimid, Iskimidt, Ismid Sandjak, Ismid, Ismidt, Ismit, Ismitt, Isnicmid, Isnicomid, Isnimid, Izkimit, Izmid, Izmidt, Izminik, Izmit, Iznigmid, Iznigumid, Iznikmid, Iznikmit [ ], Iznikomit, is Nikomidian, İskimid, İskimidt, İsmid, İsmidt, İsmit, İsnimid, İzkimit, İzmid, İzmidt, İzminik, İzmit Sancağı, Izmit Sancagi, İzmit, İznigümid, İzniğmid, İzniğumid, İznikmid, Koca Eli, Koca İli, Kocaeli İlbaylığı, Kocaeli Ilbayligi, Kocaeli Mutasarrıflığı, Kocaeli Mutasarrifligi, Kocaeli Mutasarriflik, Kocaeli, Kodgea illi, Kodgea-Illi, Kodjaeli, Kodja-Eli, Kodja-Ili, Kodjaili, Koja-Eli, Koja-Ili, Nichomedia, Nicomedia, Nicomédie, Nicomidia, Nigomid, Nigömid, Nikmid, Nikomedeia, Nikomedeya, Nikomedia, Nikomedya, Olbia, Olbianus, Olbiya, Olvia, Olviya, Smits, Νικομήδεια, Isnikomidya, İsnikomidya, [Kocaeli-İzmit]. “eis Nikomedeia”.

Many Travelers [Seyyahlar - Itinerants] have toured around Izmit City such as and more like below;

Pseudo-Skylax, Strabon, Strabonis, Στράβων, Ptolemaios, Claudius Ptolemeus, Ptolemy, Κλαύδιος Πτολεμαίος, Klaúdios Ptolemaîos, Antoninus Pius Tabula, Konrad Peutinger Tabula, Tellü Mevzeni Ebû Hüseyin Muhammed bin Abdülvahhab, Etien de Blois, Odo de Deuil, Odo, Odon, Eudes of Deuil, Smolensk’li Ignatius, Ignatius of Smolensk, Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo, Ibn Batuta, İbni Batuta, Bertrandon de la Broquiere, Bertrandon de la Bro(c)quière, Haydar Çelebi, Matrakçı Nasuhi, Nasühü’s Silahi, Nasuhu’s Silahi, Abu al-Barakat Muhammad Badr al-Din al Ghazzi-Mekki, Pierre Belon, Pierre Gilles, Petrus Gyllius, Gabriel de Luetz, Jacques Gassot, Busbecquius, Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Sidi (Seydi) Ali Reis, Sidi Ali Reis, Wolfgang Müntzner, Wolfgang Muentzner, Kutbiddin Mekki, Petrus Villinger, Ludwig von Rauter, Reinhold Lubenau, J.E. Dauzats, Georg Christoph Fedrnberger, John Sanderson, William Biddulph, Evliya Çelebi, , Evlija Celebija, [چلبي اوليا], Jean Baptiste Tavernier, Katip Çelebi, Hacı Kalfa, Hacı Halife, Haji Khalifa, Kalfa, Eremya Çelebi Kömürcüyan, Jean Thévenot, Jean de Thévenot, Thomas Smith, John Covel, George Wheler, Jacob Spon, Guillaume Grelot, Corneille Le Bruyn, Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, Aubry de La Motraye, Paul Lucas, Jean Otter, Richard Pococke, Charles de Peyssonel, Le Voyageur Français, Dominico Setsini, Domenico Setsini, Thomas Howel, Thomas Howell, Jean Baptiste Lechevalier, Jacques Dallaway, William George Brown, Olivier, William Wittman, François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, William Martin Leake, Karl Graf von Rechberg, Henry Winterton, C. Wilkinson, F. Murhard, Ali Bey el Abbasi, Domingo Badía y Leblich, Adrien Dupré, Şeyh Ali Zubari, J. M. Tancoigne, Paul Ange Louis de Gardane, James Justinian Morier, Osman Şakir Efendi, John Galt, M. Bruce, William Ouseley, John MacDonald Kinneir, Otto Friedrich von Richter, Graf István Széchenyi, Vicomte de Marcellus, Robert Walsh, Joseph-Marie Jouannin, Anton Prokesch von Osten, Hasse, Louis Joseph Alexandre de Laborde, Louis Joseph Alexandre de Laborde, Josiah Brewer, Serristori, Baron Félix de Beaujour, George Thomas Keppel Albemarle, Adolphus Slade, Camille Antoine Callier, M. M. Stamaty, Joseph François Michaud, Joseph Wolff, David Porter, Eli Smith, H. G. O. Divide, Harrison Gray Otis Dwight, James Baillie Fraser, Remy Aucher Eloy, William J. Hamilton, Thomas Allom, Baptistin Poujoulat, Jean Joseph François Poujoulat, Charles Fellows, William Francis Ainsworth, Eugene Boré, Philippe Le Bas, Charles Texier, Heinrich Kiepert, Xavier Hommaire de Hell, Charles Mac Farlane, Pierre von Tchihatchef, James Henry Skene, James Porter, H. Poole, Edmund Hornby, Georges Perrot, Alphonse de Moustier, Kubinyi & Henszlmann & Ipolyi, Frederick Burnaby, Pierre Loti, Jules Verne, Thomas Stevens, Kalman Thaly & Ignac Kunos, Dr. Edmund Naumann, Vital Cuinet, Ahmed Midhat, Walther von Diest, Baron von der Goltz, Ernst Kalinka, Rudolf Fitzner, Lajos Szadeczky-Kardoss, Gertrude Bell, Banfe, Frederick George Aflalo, Andreas David Mordtman, Ignaş Kunoş, Ignas Kunos, Eugene Dallegio, Franz Carl Endres, Nogales Méndez, W. Endriss, Nahid Sırrı Örik, Nahid Sirri Orik, Karl Dörner, Kark Doerner, Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakki Ayverdi, John Ash, John Freely.

The below “Travelers & Their Travel Books List For Izmit” information aims some short and summed-up detailed knowledge about all local and international “Travellers”, who visited, called and wrote about “Izmit History” during their journay from some place to another and their “Travel-Books” from Antiquity Times till today of 2009.

Erkan Kiraz,
Alikahya, Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey,
February 2, 2009 – February 7, 2009.
001) İÖ 6. yy., Pseudo-Skylax [Ψευδο]: Karyanda’lı bir kaptan ve coğrafyacı olan Skylax’ın Pers İmparatoru Darius’un [Dareios Hystaspis] emri üzerine hazırladığı Indus Nehri’nden Kızıldeniz’e sonra da Akdeniz’den Karadeniz’e tüm limanları ve olanaklarını içeren “Periplus [περίπλους: periplous: denizlerde dolaşmak]” adlı denizci el kitabı İÖ 360–330 yıllarına aittir. A new translation of Pseudo-Skylax For Graham Shipley’s translation of Ps.-Skylax, click on this link: “Geogrpahi Graeci Minores“.

002) İS 18-19, Strabon –Strabonis [Στράβων; İ.Ö. 63/64 BC – yak. İS 24]: Anadolu’nun eski coğrafyasını kaleme alan Amaseia’lı [Amasya] Strabon’un olgunluk döneminde, kimi araştırmacılara göre İÖ 7 yılında, kimilerine göre İS 18–19 yılları arasında yazdığı 17 kitaplık Geographika [Γεωγραφικά: Geōgraphiká: Coğrafya] külliyatı, ilk seyahatname örneklerinden biridir. Strabonis: Rervm Geographicarvm. Strabon, By Isaac Casaubon, 1620. Geographika – Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası [Kitap XII-XIII-XIV], Çev. Adnan Pekman. “Geographika (The Geogrpahy of Strabon”.

003) 2. yy., Ptolemaios - Claudius Ptolemeus - Ptolemy [Κλαύδιος Πτολεμαίος: Klaúdios Ptolemaîos, İS 83–Yak. 168]: Geographika Hyphegesis [Γεωγραφικά] adlı yapıtı ile tanınan coğrafyacı. “Geographikes Hphegeseos (Geographika)”. ”Geographike Aphegesis”.

004) 333, Bordeaux’lu Bir Hacı:

005) Antonin Çizelgesi [Antoninus Pius Tabula]:

006) Peutinger Çizelgesi [Konrad Peutinger Tabula]:

007) 845, Ibn Khordadbeh [Abu'l Qasim Ubaid'Allah ibn Khordadbeh: İranlı: هخردادب عبیدالله ابن ابوالقاسم, Yak. 820 – 912]: Hurdadbi: İlk anlatımı 845’de Batı İran – Arap Posta Servisi’nin emri ile İstanbul’a kadar akın güzergâhları hazırlayan bir İranlı yazar. Kitāb al Masālik w’al Mamālik: [The Book of Roads and Kingdoms, Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum], Yollar & Krallıklar Kitabı.

008) 10. yy., Tellü Mevzeni Ebû Hüseyin Muhammed bin Abdülvahhab []: İslam coğrafyacılarından Ebu’l Kâsim Muhammed bin Havkal, Kitabü’l Mesâlik ve’l Memâlik veya Sûretü’l Arz adlı eserinde, yaşı yüzü geçmiş olmasına rağmen aklı başında olduğunu belirttiği Tellü Mevzeni Ebû Hüseyin Muhammed bin Abdülvahhab’dan dinlediği seyahat notlarını şu şekilde aktarmaktadır:

009) 1097, Kont Etien de Blois [Stephen II, Count of Blois]: Stephen (Étienne) de Blois, İngiltere Kralı.

010) 1147, Odo de Deuil [Odo, Odon ya da Eudes of Deuil, 1110 - Nisan 18, 1162]: bir tarihçi ve II. Haçlı Seferi’ne [1147-1149] katılan bir Haçlı Savaşçısı. 01) Odo of Deuil, De profectione Ludovici VII in Orientem, tr. V.G. Berry (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1948), 02) J. Phillips, "Odo of Deuil's De profectione Ludovici VII in Orientem as a source for the Second Crusade", in M. Bull et al (eds), The Experience of Crusading, 2 Vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

011) 1389, Smolensk’li Ignatius [Ignatius of Smolensk]: 1389 yılında Kudüs’ü ziyaret amacıyla Moskova’dan yola çıkan Smolensk’li Ignatius ise Sinop, Amasra, Ereğli, Sakarya ve Şile’den geçerek İstanbul’a gelmiştir. Smolensk’li Ignatius, Haziran’ın 25’inde Diospolis’e (Akçakoca), 26’sında Sakarya’nın ağzına, 27’sinde Daphnousias (Kefken Adası), Karphia (Kerpe Limanı) ile Astravia’ya (Ağva), 28’inde ise Fili (Şile) ve Riva (Riva, Kumdere) üzerinden geçerek İstanbul’a ulaşır. In anno domini 1200, Dobrinia Iadreikovich, scion of a wealthy Novgorod Merchant family (and soon to be archbishop of Novgorod under his new monastic name, Anthony), visited Constantinople. “Pilgrim Book” of Anthony of Novgorod.

012) 1403 & 1404, Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo [?-1412]: 1404 yılında İspanya Kralı’nın elçisi olarak Timur’un başkenti Semerkant’a varan Clavijo’nun kaleme aldığı seyahat (1403–1406) notları. Embajada a Tamorlá, of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour at Samarcand AD 1403-6. Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo, çev. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, Embassy to Temerlane 1403-1406 – Anadolu, Orta Asya ve Timur, s. 74, 78, 79, Ses Yayınları 1993.

013) Ibn Batuta: [Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al Lawati Al Tanji Ibn Battuta (born February 24, 1304; year of death uncertain, possibly 1368 or 1377) was]: الأسفار وعجائب الأمصار غرائب في النظار تحفة: Gift to Those Who Contemplate the Wonders of Cities and the Marvels of Travelling ya da Rıhle [Seyahat].

014) 1433, Bertrandon de la Broquiere [Bertrandon de la Bro(c)quière (yak. 1400 – 9 Mayıs 1459)]: Le Voyage d'Outre-Mer [Denizaşırı Seyahat].

015) 1514, Haydar Çelebi []: Yavuz Sultan Selim’in Suriye ve Mısır seferine katılır. Haydar Çelebi’nin Ruznamesi. Stephane Yerasimos, Les Voyageurs Dans L’Empire Otoman, Ankara 1991, s. 130: Haydar Çelebi Ruznâmesi (1514-1518), Feridun Bey, Mecmu’a-i Münşeat el-Selatin, c.1, s.221, İstanbul 1857.

016) 1522-1523 & 1533-1536 & 1548-1549 Matrakçı Nasuhi [Nasühü’s Silahi]: Kanuni devrinde yaşamış değerli bir hattat, ressam, matematikçi, tarihçi hatta silahşor olan ve kendince kimi oyunlar icat etmesi nedeniyle Matrakçı ya da Matraki lakabı ile ünlü Nasühü’s Silahi’nin “Beyan- Menazil-i Sefer-i Irakeyn-i Sultan Süleyman Han” adlı eser Kanuni’nin 1534–1536 yılları arasındaki Safevilere karşı ilk İran seferini konu edinmiştir. Hüseyin G. Yurdaydın, Nasühü’s-Silahi (Matrakçı), Beyan-ı Menazil-i Sefer-i Irakeyn, Ankara 1976.

017) 1530-1531, Abu al-Barakat Muhammad Badr al-Din al Ghazzi-Mekki [1530–1531]: 16. yüzyılda yurdumuzu dolaşan Arap seyyahlarından ve Şam şafi müftüsünün oğlu olan Abu al-Barakat Muhammad Badr al-Din al Ghazzi-Mekki seyahatnamesi. Ekrem Kâmil, Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Semineri Dergisi, sayı 1-2, 1937 İstanbul.

018) 1547, Pierre Belon [1517‑1564]: Fransız doktor, hayvan bilimci ve botanikçi Pierre Belon 1517’de Le Mans’da doğdu. Paris’te tıp eğitimi aldı, sonrasında Wittenberg Üniversitesi’nde Valerius Cordus’dan botanik eğitimi aldı. I. François’nın son hükümranlık yıllarında 1546–1549 arası Yunanistan, Anadolu, Mısır, Arabistan ve Filistin’e bilimsel bir gezi yapar. Bu dönemde Fransa ve Osmanlı arasında bir bağlaşıklık anlaşması imzalanmıştı. Gezisi daha sonra diplomatik bir göreve dönüştü. Resimlerle süslü tam gezi notları “Voyage au Levant” 1553’de yayınlar. Belon, 1547 yılında Makedonya ve Yunanistan üzerinden gelerek Bithynia’yı gezer.

019) 1547-1550, Pierre Gilles [Petrus Gyllius, Albi, 1490 – Rome, 1555]: Alby’li Doğa Bilimci Pierre Gilles’in kaleme aldığı ve 1547–1550 yıllarını kapsayan özellikle doğa tarihi üzerine gezi notlarında özellikle İstanbul topografyası (Kalos Agros-Hünkâr Çayırı dahil); Marmara, Çanakkale bölgeleri ve antik yollar ele alınmaktadır. 1548 yılında Osmanlı ordularının İran’a seferinden yararlanarak Fransa’nın İstanbul Büyükelçisi Mösyö d’Aramont ile birlikte Anadolu ve İran’ın bazı bölgelerini de gezme olanağına kavuşarak 1549 yılı sonuna doğru İstanbul’a döner. De Topographia Constantinopoleos et de illius antiquitatibus libri IV, Cosmæ Indopleutes & De Bosphoro Thracio libri III.

020) 1547, Gabriel de Luetz [1500? – 1554 ?]: Fransa Kralı II. Henri tarafından 1546 yılında Kanuni’ye bir bağlaşıklık anlaşmasını gündeme getirme göreviyle elçi olarak atanan Valabregues ve Aramon Kontu Gabriel de Luetz, 6 Nisan 1547’de İstanbul’a varır. 1547–1553 yıllarında gerçekleşen gezi notları. Le voyage de Monsieur d'Aramon, ambassadeur pour le Roy en Levant. Author: Chesneau, Jean; Schefer, Charles Henri Auguste, 1820-1898) 1548, Jacques Gassot. Jean Chesneau, Voyage de Gabriel de Luetz, seigneur d’Aramon, a Constantinople, Egypte et en Palestine (El yazmasındaki başlık ise: Voyage de Paris en Constantinople, celuy de Perse, avec le camp du Grand Turc, de Judée, Surie, Egypte, et de la Grece avec la descriptions des choses plus notables et remarquables desdits lieux: fait par noble homme Jean Chesneau, et par luy mis et rédigé par escrit.), Paris 1759.

021) 1548, Jacques Gassot []: İstanbul’daki Fransız elçisi Aramon şövalyesi Luetz’e bir mesaj getirmekle görevlendirilen, II. Henri’nin sekreteri Jacques Gassot, 17.12.1547’de Venedik’ten yola çıkar, ancak İstanbul’a vardığında Sultan’ın 29 Mart’ta İstanbul’dan ayrılmış olması nedeniyle, yukarıda bahsettiğimiz üzere Elçi Aramon Şövalyesi ile birlikte 02 Mayıs1548’de İstanbul’dan yola koyulurlar. Jacques Gassot, Le discours du voyage de Venise à Constantinople contenant la Querele du Grand Seigneur contre Sophie, Paris 1550. Lettre écrite d’Alep en Syrie par Jacques Gassot seigneur de Défense a Jacques Thiboust Seigneur de Quantilly Notaire et Sécraitaire du Roy et son êlu en Berry; contenant son voyage de Venise a Constantinople, de la a Tauris en Perse et son retour audit Alep, 1674 & 1684 Bourges.

022) 1555, Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq [Busbecquius, 1521–1591]: 1554–1562 yıllarında Kanuni Sultan Süleyman zamanında Alman İmparatoru Ferdinand’ın büyükelçisi olarak İstanbul’da bulunmuştur. Busbecquius Ogier Ghislain, “Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasium ab Augerio Gislenio Busbequio ad Solimannum Turcarum Imperatorem”, 1582 Anvers. Gaudona tarafından yapılmış olan Fransızca çevirisi “Ambassade et Voyages en Turquie et Amassie” adı ile 1646’da Paris’te yayınlanmıştır. “Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum (1581)”, later published as “A. G. Busbequii D. legationis Turcicae epistolae quattor” - Known in English as “Turkish Letters”. An early 20th century English translation is available as
ISBN 0-8071-3071-0.

023) 1555, Hans Dernschwam [1494-1568]: Ünlü gezginlerden ve hümanist bilim adamı Busbecquius’un [Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, 1521–1591] refakatçilerinden olan Hans Dernschwam 09 Mart 1555’de İstanbul’dan yola çıkar. Hans Dernschwam's lagebuch einer Reise nach Konstantinopel und Kleinas ien (1553/55), Dernschwam Hans İstanbul ve Anadolu’ya Seyahat Günlüğü-1494-1568, Çeviri: Önen, Yaşar, Ankara 1992.

024) 1557, Sidi (Seydi) Ali Reis []: Kaptan-ı Derya Sidi Ali Reis’in 1557 yılında kaleme aldığı, “Mirat-ül Memalik” yani “Ülkelerin Aynası” adını taşıyan yapıtı, 1553–1556 yılları arasında Hindistan, Afganistan, Orta Asya ve İran’a doğru Portekizlilere karşı çıktığı seferini ele alır. Stephane Yerasimos, Mira tül Memalik, İstanbul 1313 (1895). Mirror of Countries, 1557.

025) 1557, Wolfgang Müntzner []: Babenberg’li maceraperest Wolfgang Müntzner, İstanbul’da birlikte hapis yattığı Moritz von Altmanshausen ve Melchior Seydlitz’le beraber İznik üzerinden 1 Ağustos 1557’de İzmit’e gelir. Stephane Yerasimos, Wolfgang Müntzner, Reyssbeschreibung dessGestrengen und Vestern herrn Wolfgang Müntzers von Bababgerg, Ritters etc. Von Venedig auss nach Jerusalem, Damascus und Constantinopel, 1624 Nurnberg.

026) 1558, Kutbiddin Mekki [1511–1582]: On altıncı Asırda Yurdumuzu Dolaşan Arap Seyyahlardan Kutbiddin-Mekki Seyahatnamesi (1557–1558). Mekke şerifi tarafından bu kentteki yeniçeri ağasının uygulamalarını şikâyet etmek üzere İstanbul’a gönderilir. Bayezid, Kudbeddin Mekki ile Kütahya’da görüşür. Ekrem Kâmil, Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Semineri dergisi, no. 1-2, 1937.

027) 1567, Petrus Villinger []: 1565–1568 yıllarını içeren seyahatnamesinde görüleceği üzere Petrus Villinger, arkadaşları Bockenberch, Helfferich ve Vlaming ile birlikte 07.03.1567’de İzmit’e gelir. Stephane Yerasimos, Petrus Villinger, 1603 Constanz am Bodensee, İzmit için bkz s. 143.

028) 1568, Ludwig von Rauter [1542-1614]: Ludwig von Rauter, 10.06.1568’de İzmit & çevresini ziyaret eder. Viktor Christiansen – ed. Franz Babinger, Ludwig von Rauter und sein verschollenes reisebuch (1567-1571), Viyana 1956.

029) 1582, John Newberie []: Hindistan yolculuğu esnasında Gemlik’ten İstanbul’a geçen Londralı tüccar gezgin John Newberie 08.03.1582’de Dil İskelesi’ne uğrar. Purchas, Samuel, Purchas His Pilgrimes, "Voyages of Master John Newberie". The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, Volume 10 (Large Print Edition): Asia, Part Richard Hakluyt.

030) 1588, Reinhold Lubenau []: 1588’de İzmit’e gelen Reinhold Lubenau 1628 yılında yayınladığı el yazması seyahat notlarında İzmit’ten ve Pantaleimon Manastırı’ndan sözeder. “Der Reisen des Reinhold Lubenau, 1587-1589”. “Reinhold Lubenau Seyahatnamesi, 1587-1589”, Çev: Türkis Noyan.

031) 1588, J.E. Dauzats []: “1588'de Kuzey Anadolu’da (Bitinya) Bir Tarım Gezinmesi” ya da “Anadolu’nun Bir Köşesi” adlı seyahatname yazarı. “J. E. Dauzats, Excursions agricoles dans le nord de l'Anatolie (Bithynie) (1855),”. “Agricultural Tour In THe North Of Anatolia (Old Bithynia) Opium. Chevre Of The Angora, Agriıculture. Parigi Hachette 1861”. Dauzats J.E. çev. Reşad Ekrem Koçu, İstanbul 1940.

032) 1589, Georg Christoph Fedrnberger []: 1584–1592 yıllarını kapsayan gezisinde Georg Christoph Fedrnberger, 07 Temmuz 1588’de Bursa ziyareti için İstanbul’dan yola çıkar ve dönüşte İzmit ve Gebze’yi ziyaret eder. “Georg Christoph Fedrnberger, Peregrinatio Synai et Terrae Sactae”, Avusturya Ulusal Müzesi’nde el yazması .

033) 1597, John Sanderson []: Gezgin John Sanderson, 1597 Eylül ayı sonunda İzmit’i ziyaret eder. “John Sanderson’un Anadolu’da (Doğu, Anadolu) Dolanması, 1584-1602”. “The Travels of John Sanderson in the Levant 1584-1602, London 1931”. “Foster, William. The Travels of John Sanderson in the Levant, 1584-1602. London: Hakluyt Society, 1931.”

034) 1608, Polonyalı Simeon []: 15 Şubat 1608’de Kudüs’e gitmek üzere yola çıkan ve bir Polonyalı Ermeni olan gezgin Simeon ve 10 Eylül 1608’de İstanbul’a ulaşır. Bithynia Bölgesi’nde [İzmit] incelemeler yapacak Harputlu Mıgırdiç vaiz bir papazla İstanbul’dan gemi yola çıkar. “Polanyalı Simeon’un Seyahatnamesi, çev. Andreasyan Hrand D., İstanbul 1964”. “Bournoutian, George A., Travel Accounts of Simeon of Poland (Simeon dpri Lehats‘woy Ughegrut`iwn)”.

035) 1609, William Biddulph []: Biddulph William, Afrika ve Asya’da birçok yer gezdikten sonra 1609 yılında Anadolu’ya gelerek Bithynia ve Trakya’dan sonra Karadeniz bölgesini dolaşır. Stephane Yerasimos, “William Biddulph & Theophilius Lavender & Peter Biddulph & Bezaliell Biddulph, The Ten Years Travels of Four Englishmen and a Preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bithynia, Thracia and to Black Sea, Londra 1612”.

036) 1631, Evliya Çelebi: [[چلبي اوليا] 1611 – 1682]. “Dervish Mehmed Zilli”, “Muhamed Zilli sin Dervišev (Sejjahi Alem)”, or “Evlija Celebija” [چلبي اوليا], a Turkish traveller, co-writer in the work “Siyahatnama, 1660”. “Seyahatname” – “Book of Travels”. “Mehmet Zıllıoğlu Evliya Çelebi, Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi”, çev. Zuhuri Danışman (1969).

037) 1632, Jean Baptiste Tavernier []: “Le Six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier (2 vols. 4to, Paris, 1676)”, “Les Six Voyages en Turquie, Paris, 1682”, s. 5. Konu eser 2006 yılında Stefanos Yerasimos editörlüğünde Teoman Tunçdoğan tarafından Türkçe’ye çevrilerek yayınlanmıştır. Bu çeviride İzmit ve çevresi için bkz s. 47-50.

038) 1635 & 1648, Katip Çelebi [1609, Istanbul - 1657 Istanbul]: 17. yy. Osmanlı ordusunda görev yapan Kâtip Çelebi katıldığı seferler sırasında arasında gezdiği yerler hakkında bilgi vermiştir. 1648 yılında el yazması olarak yazılan bu eser ilk kez 1732 yılında İstanbul’da “Cihannüma” adı ile basılmıştır. 1744 yılında Armain tarafından yapılan Fransızca çevirisi, 1812 yılında ise Hammer tarafından yapılan Almanca çevirisi Viyana’da yayınlanmıştır. Avrupalılar tarafından “Hacı Kalfa ya da “Hacı Halife” olarak tanınır. “Mustafa bin Abdallah”, “Haji Khalifa” or “Kalfa”. “Cihan-numa”, “Gihan Numa” or “Geographia Orientalis”,

039) 1650, Eremya Çelebi Kömürcüyan [1637-1695]: “Yeremya Çelebi Kömürcüyan”. İstanbul'un Langa semtinde doğan Eremya Çelebi Kömürcüyan annesinin amcası olan Hacı Ambağum tarafından yetiştirildi. Ermenicenin yanısıra Türkçe, Rumca ve çok sayıda Avrupa dillerini öğrendi. Hacı Ambağum'un ölümünden sonra bir Ermeni tüccar olan Abro Çelebi'nin yanında çıraklık yaptı. Abro Çelebi zamanın sadrazamı Köprülü Fazıl Ahmet Paşa'ya çok yakındı. Bu sayede Kömürcüyan devlet işlerini öğrendi ve çok nüfuzlu kişilerle tanıştı. “Eremya Çelebi, XVII. Asırda İstanbul, çev. Hrand D. Andreasyan, İstanbul 1988”. "Istanbul Tarihi, XVII. asırda İstanbul, “Eremya Çelebi Komürcüyan, [Hrand Der Andreasyan, 1952. Kevork Pamukçuyan, 1988], İstanbul, Eren Yayıncılık & Kitapçılık Ltd. Şti.”.

040) 1656 Jean Thévenot [June 16, 1633 – November 28, 1667]: “Jean de Thévenot”. “Thevenot, The Travels of Mr. John Thevenot in the Levant, Curious Collection of Voyages, cilt 11, Londra 1760”.

041) 1670, Thomas Smith [1638–1710]: İngiliz bilim adamı Smith, Doğu Dilleri’ne çok egemendir. 1668’de büyükelçi Daniel Harwey döneminde İngiltere’nin İstanbul Büyükelçiliği’ne papaz olarak atanır. Bir yıl kadar İstanbul’da kalır. Bithynia’dan Bursa’ya ilginç bir gezi yapar. Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, “Thomas Smith, Sept Eglises d’Asie, Oxon 1674 & London”. Thomas Smith. “Epistolae quatuor, II de Moribus ac institutis Turcarum, II de Ecclesiis Asiae et Constantinopolitanis; authore Thoma Smithio, Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbytero. Oxon., 1674, in-8”.

042) 1675, Dr. John Covel [1638-1722]: Dr. John Covel, 1670–1677 yılları arasında İstanbul’daki Sir Daniel Harvey yönetimindeki İngiliz Elçiliği’ndeki papazlık görevi süresi boyunca çeşitli seyahatler yapar. John Dr. Covel, “Early Voyages and Travels in the Levant, London 1843”. J. Theodore Beni. “John Dr. Covel, Early Voyages and Travel in the Levanı. London 1892”.

043) 1675-1676, George Wheler [1650-1724]: Church of England clergyman and scholar. “Voyage d’Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant fait des années 1675-1676 par Jacob Spon et George Wheler, Amsterdam 1679; La Haye 1723”. “Sir George Wheler, A journey into Greece, London: W. Cademan etc., 1682”. A journey into Greece by George Wheler, Esq., in company of Dr. Spon of Lyons: in six books ... : with variety of sculptures”, London: Printed for William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell, and Awnsham Churchill, 1682. Voyage from Venice to Constantinople -- An account of Constantinople and the adjacent places -- A voyage through the Lesser Asia -- A voyage from Zant through several parts of Greece to Athens --An account of Athens -- Several journeys from Athens, into Attica, Corinth, Boeotia, &c.

044) 1675-1676, Jacob Spon [Lyon 1647-Vevey, Switzerland, 25 December 1685]: Spon travelled to Italy, and then to Greece, to Constantinople and the Levant in 1675-1676 in the company of the English connoisseur and botanist Sir George Wheler (1650-1723), whose collection of antiquities was afterwards bequeathed to Oxford University. “Voyage d’Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece et du Levant fait des années 1675-1676 par Jacob Spon et George Wheler, Amsterdam 1679; La Haye 1723”. “Spon, Jacob, Curieuse Reise durch Italien, Dalmatien, Griechenland und Levante. Nümberg 1681”. “Sir George Wheler, A journey into Greece, London: W. Cademan etc., 1682”. A journey into Greece by George Wheler, Esq., in company of Dr. Spon of Lyons: in six books: with variety of sculptures”, London: Printed for William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell, and Awnsham Churchill, 1682. Voyage from Venice to Constantinople -- An account of Constantinople and the adjacent places -- A voyage through the Lesser Asia -- A voyage from Zant through several parts of Greece to Athens --An account of Athens -- Several journeys from Athens, into Attica, Corinth, Boeotia, &c.

045) 1677, Guillaume Grelot []: “Relation nouvelle d'un Voyage de Constantinople enrichie de plans levés par l’auteur sur les lieux, et des figures de tout ce qu’il y a de plus remarquable dans cette ville. Présentée au Roi, Paris I680”, “Grelot, Guillaume-Joeseph, A Late Voyage to Constantinople: Containing an Exact Description of the Propontis and Hellespont, with the Dardenelles…as also of the City of Constantinople, London: Printed by J. Playford, and are to be sold by H. Bonwicke, 1683”. Maide Selen, “Josephus Grelot, İstanbul Seyahatnamesi”, İstanbul, 1998”. “Grelot Guillaume. Relation nouvelle d´un voyage de Constantinople Paris Pierre Rocolet et chez veuve damien Foucault 1681”.

046) 1678, Corneille Le Bruyn [Cornelius Bruyn,1652–1727]: Anadolu, Kos, Rodos ve Kıbrıs kentleri üzerine Flaman gezgin Corneille Le Bruyn’ün gözlemleri, kendi eli ile yaptığı iki yüz gravürden başka giriş bölümünde seyahatlerinde kendisi ile birlikte olanların mektupları da yer alır. Bruyn, Comclis de: “Klein Asia, De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus. Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio & c. Miisgaders de voomaamsie Sieden van Aegien. Syrien En Palcsiina. Delft. 1698”. ”Corneille Le Bruyn (Cornelius Brun), Voyage au Levant, les pricipaux endroits de l’Asie Mineure, Paris 1700 & Kronovelt, Delft 1714”.

047) 1700, Joseph Pitton de Tournefort [1656–1708]: Fransız botanikçi Tournefort papaz olmak üzere Cizvitlerin yanında eğitim alır. Babasının ölümü ardından kendi geçimini sağlamak zorunda kalır. Doktorluk eğitimi alır. 9 Mart 1700 tarihinde başladığı ve 1702 yılına kadar süren gezisi esnasında kendisine Alman botanikçi Andreas Gundesheimer ve ressam Claude Aubriet eşlik eder. He was a French botanist, notable as the first to make a clear definition of the concept of genus for plants. “Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, Relation d'un voyage du Levant”, ”Tournefort Seyahatnamesi, ed. Stefenos Yerasimos, İstanbul 2005”.

048) 1701 & 1703, Aubry de La Motraye []: “The voyages and Travels of A. De La Motraye. (Volume III)”, “Aubry de la Motraye. Travels Through Europe, Asia, and into Part of Africa. London: A. de la Motraye, 1723.”, “La Motraye Seyahatnamesi, Aubry de La Motraye”; Çeviren: Nedim Demirtaş, İstiklal Kitabevi.

049) 1705, Paul Lucas [1664–1737]: French merchant, naturalist and traveller. Lucas, bir tüccar, doktor, doğa bilimci ve eski yazıt ve kalıntıları keşfetmeye meraklı bir antikacıdır. Fransa Kralı XIV. Louis tarafından nadir sanat eserlerini toplamak üzere Türkiye ve Asya’ya gönderilir. Troisiéme Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas, fait en MDCCXIV, &c. par ordre de Louis XIV dans la Turquie, l'Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute & Basse Egypte, &c,. Robert Machuel, Rouen, 1719.

050) 1736 & 1743, Jean Otter []: 1736 Kasım ayında İsfehan’a gitmek üzere İstanbul’dan yola çıkan Fransız sarayının hizmetinde bir İsveçli gezgin. Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, “Jean Otter, Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, Paris 1748”. Jean Otter, a French academic, reported in his “Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, 1748”.

051) 1740, Richard Pococke [19.11.1704-25.09.1765)]: He was an English prelate and anthropologist. He is best known for his travel writings and diaries. İngiliz Kraliyet ve Londra Eski Kültürler Derneği üyesidir. Richard Pococke, 1733–36 yıllarında Avrupa ülkeleri gezisi yapar. Ardından 1737’de İskenderiye’ye gider. Burada 3 yıl kalır. Ardından yaptığı Doğu Akdeniz ülkeleri (Filistin, Anadolu, Yunanistan) yolculukları sırasında 29 Nisan 1740’da Ankara’dan yola çıkar. “Pococke, Richard; Beschreibung des Morgcnlandes. Erlangen 1754”. “Voyages de Richard Pococke, ikinci Baskısı’nın Fr. çeviris, Paris 1772”. “A Description of the East and Some other Countries, Vol. I: Observations on Egypt, W. Boyer, London, 1743”. “A Description of the East and Some other Countries, Vol. II, W. Boyer, London, 1745”. The book was split into two parts: 1, Observations on Palestine or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, and Candia. 2, Observations on the islands of the Archipelago, Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and some other parts of Europe.

052) 1745, Charles de Peyssonel []: Fransa’nın İzmir konsolosu Peysonnel’in 1745 yılında İstanbul’dan İzmit ve İznik’e yaptığı kısa keşif gezisinin notlarından oluşan Fransızca orijinal yapıtı yayınlanmamıştır. Yapıt F.Yavuz Ulugün tarafından ele alınıp ilk kez yayınlanmıştır. “Relation d'Un Voyage fait a Nicomedie et a Nicee en 1745.”, “Charles de Peyssonel, 1745 Yılında İzmit ve İznik’e Yapılan Bir Gezinin Öyküsü”, çev. Y. Ulugün, İzmit 2005. Eserde ayrıca geçen yazıtlar hakkında Muhittin Bakan’ın ek notları da yer alır. 2006-İzmit, 60 Sayfa. ISBN: 9759273535.

053) 1765-1795, Bir Fransız Gezgin [Le Voyageur Français]: 1765-1795. Fransız hükümeti nezdinde görevli bir Fransız keşiş olasılıkla 1765–1795 yılları arasında İstanbul-İzmit-İznik-Gerede-Bolu ile başlayan bir gezi gerçekleştirir. İzmit hakkında bazı notlar düşer.

054) 1777-1782, Dominico Sestini [Domenico Sestini, Firenze, 1750 – Firenze, 1832]: Floransa Akademisi’nden İtalyan başrahip Dominico Sestini, 1779 yılında Kyzikos, Bursa ve İznik’e bir gezi yapar. “Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, Sestini, Lettere odeporiche per la peninsula de Cyzico, per Brusse e Nicea, c. 2, 8, Livorno, 1789”. “Lettres de M. L’Abbé Dominique Setsini a ses Amis en Toscane pendant le cours de ses Voyages, Paris 1789”.

055) 1787, Thomas Howel [Thomas Howell, 1480–1537]: He is merchant and philanthropist. Thomas Howel, Batı Hindistan şirket adına yaptığı inceleme gezisi esnasında Anadolu üzerinden Avrupa’ya döner. “Thomas Howel, A Journal of the Passage From India, London”. “Thomas Howel, "A Journal of the Passage from India", C. Forster 1789,”.

056) 1790, Jean Baptiste Lechevalier [01.07.1752-02.07.1836]: Jean-Baptiste Lechevalier, Trelly’de doğmuş ve Saint-Etienne-du-Mont’de ölmüştür. Ünlü bir astronom, seyyah, arkeolog ve Fransızca Mektuplar adamıdır. 1790 yılında Yunanistan ve Türkiye’yi dolaşır. “Jean Baptiste Lechevalier, Voyage de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin, Paris 1800”, “Jean-Baptiste Lechevalier, Voyage dans la Troade, ou tableau de la plaine de Troie dans son état actuel, Paris, Laran, 1799”, “Antoine François Mauduit, Défense de feu Le Chevalier [sic], auteur du Voyage de la Troade, et du feu Comte de Choiseul Gouffier, contre P. Barker Webb, Firmin Didot Frères, Paris, 1844”.

057) 1790-1795, Jacques Dallaway [1763–1834]: 18. yy.ın sonunda İstanbul’a gelen ve İstanbul’daki İngiliz Elçiliği’nin doktoru olan Jacques Dallaway, İzmit Körfezi’ni dolaşır. Boucher de la Richarderie, Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, c. 2, böl. 5, Paris 1808, s. 160, “Constantinople ancient and moderne, with the Account of islands to Archipel and that Throad, James Dallaway, London 1776”, “Constantinople ancient and modern, with excursions to the shores and islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad, James Dallaway, Londra 1797”. “Dallaway, James; Reise nach Consianıinopel, der Ebene von Troja, und in die Levanie. Berlin und Hamburg 1801”.

058) 1797 & 1802, William George Brown [1768 – 1813]: William George Brown was an English traveller. In 1799 he published his “Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, from the years 1792 to 1798”. Robert Walpole published, in the second volume of his Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey (1820), from papers left by Browne, the account of his journey in 1802 through Asia Minor to Antioch and Cyprus; also Remarks written at Constantinople (1802). William George Browne (1799): “Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria From the year 1792 to 1798” by William George Brown”, Afrika yolculuğundan, 1797 yılında Halep, Gaziantep, Kayseri, Ankara, Sapanca ve İzmit üzerinden döner. 1802 yılında da bu kez İstanbul, İzmit, Bursa, Kütahya, Afyon, Akşehir, Konya, Tarsus üzerinden yola koyulur. “Brown, Journey from Constantinople Through Asia Minor in the Year 1802”.

059) 1797, Olivier []:

060) 1799, William Wittman []: 1799, 1800, 1801 yıllarında Osmanlı Ordusu ile birlikte hareket eden İngiliz Ordusu cerrahı William Wittman, sefer ve savaş anılarını bir kitapta toplar. “William Wittman, Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria and across the Desert into Egypte during the years 1799, 1800 and 1801, böl. VI, London 1803”. ”Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and Across the Desert into Egypt: During the Years 1799, 1800, and 1801 in Company with the Turkish Army and the British Military Mission” by William Wittman”.

061) 1799, François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville [1770-1838]: François Charles Hugues Laurent Pouqueville Le Merlerault, a French diplomat, author, researcher, doctor and historian and is a member of the French Institute. It is the first hostage of the Turkish Sultan. The court of Ali Pasha in Ioannina consultant and later as consul general of Napoleon Bonaparte, travels extensively in Greece in the Ottoman administration from 1798 to 1816. Pouqueville, “Travels throuhg the Morea, Albenia and Several Other Parts of Otoman Empire to Constantinople during the Years 1788-1789-1800-1801, London 1806”. “Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs autres parties de l'Empire Otoman” Paris, 1805, 3 vol. in-8, translated in English, German, Greek, Italian, Swedish.

062) 1800, Albay William Martin Leake [1777 – 1860] & General Koehler: He was sent out to survey the coast of Albania and the Morea, with the view of assisting the Turks against attacks of the French from Italy, and of this he took advantage to form a valuable collection of coins and inscriptions and to explore ancient sites. In 1807, war having broken out between Turkey and England, he was made prisoner at Salonica; but, obtaining his release the same year, he was sent on a diplomatic mission to Ali Pasha of Ioannina, whose confidence he completely won, and with whom he remained for more than a year as British representative. Fransızların Mısır’a saldırması üzerine bir ordu ve donanma gönderme kararı alan Osmanlı’nın Mısır ordusuna komuta etmekle görevlendirilen İngiliz emekli General Koehler’e Albay Leake, Sir Richard Fletcher, Kraliyet Askeri Güçleri uzmanı ve teknik ressam Pink ile bir doğu uzmanı olan emekli papaz Dr. Carlyle eşlik etmektedir. Doğrudan görev noktasına varmak isteyen Koehler ve arkadaşları, 19 Ocak 1800 günü İstanbul’dan Mısır’a doğru yola çıkarlar. “Leake, Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, Londra 1824”. “Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor With Comparative Remarks on the Ancient and Modern Geography of That Country, By W.M. Leake”.

063) 1804, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall [1774–1856]: “Osmanlı Tarihi” adlı yapıtı ile tanınan Avusturyalı doğu uzmanı Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, ilk eğitimlerini Viyana’da alır. 1796’da diplomatik görevler üstlenmeye başlar. 1799’da İstanbul’da Avusturya elçiliğine atanır. Hammer-Purgstall's principal work is his “Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Tarihi (10 vols., 1827-1835)”. Among his other works are “Constantinopolis und der Bosporos: İstanbul & Boğaziçi (1822)”; “Sur les origines russes: Rusların Kökenleri (St Petersburg, 1825)”; The longest single English translation of “Evliya Celebi: Evlija Celebija”'s travelogue “Seyahatname: Travelbook, Travelogue” was published in 1834. Von Hammer's work covers the first two volumes: “Istanbul and Anatolia: İstanbul & Anadolu”. The translation is somewhat inaccurate and uses a bizarre transliteration system. It is out of print but can be found in some university libraries under the author name, "Evliya Efendi." He also published “Geschichte der osmanischen Dichtkunst: Osmanlı Şiir Tarihi (1836)”; “Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak: Kıpçaklarda Altın Ordu Tarihi (1840)”; “Geschichte der Chane der Krim: Kırım Hanlığı Tarihi (1856)”; and an unfinished “Litteraturgeschichte der Araber: Arapların Yazın Tarihi (1850-1856)”.

064) 1804-1805, Karl Graf von Rechberg []:

065) 1806, Albay Henry Winterton & Yeğenleri []: “C. Wilkinson, A Tour Throuhg Asia Minor and the Grek Islands, Londra 1806”.

066) 1807, F. Murhard []: “F. Murhard, Gemälde des griechischen Archipelagus, Berlin 1807“: Yunan Yarımadası ve Resim Sergisi “.

067) 1807, Ali Bey el Abbasi [Domingo Badía y Leblich, 1766 – 1818]: Asya ve Afrika’da Sultan Osman Bey el Abbasi’nin oğlu olarak tanınır. İspanyolca adı ile “Domingo Badia y Leblich” olarak da bilinir. Ali Bey eğitimini Avrupa’da yapar. İspanyol olduğu ve kralın emri ile Harameyn’e girmesi istendiği de yazılır. Afrika ve Asya’ya yaptığı gezileri oldukça büyük ilgi çeker. Müslüman olmayanların girişine yasak olan bölgelere girebilmesi, o güne dek Avrupalılar için gizemli olan yerleri hkkında gezi notlarında yer verir. Gezdiği tüm bölge ve kentlerin çizim ve haritalarını yapar. Bunlardan başka coğrafi konumlarını belirler. “Voyages d’Ali Bey el Abbassi (Domingo Badia y Leyblich) en Afrique et en Asie [1803, 1804, 1805, 1806 ve 1807 yıllarında basılmış metinler Roquefort tarafından elden geçirilmiştir, Paris, Temmuz 1814, M. P. Didot l’Ainé Yayınevi”. Domingo Badia y Leblich was a Spanish explorer in the early 19th century. Notably, he actually witnessed the Wahhabi conquest of Mecca in 1807. Traveling through Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey during the period of 1803–1807, Ali Bey went to Mecca ostensibly to perform the Hajj, giving out that he was a descendant of the Abbassid Caliphs of the West. In 1816, the account of his travels, “Travels of Ali Bey: in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, between the years 1803 and 1807”, was published.

068) 1807, Adrien Dupré []: Dupré Adrian, 1807 yılında çıktığı gezisi tam üç yıl sürer. 1808’de İzmit, Bolu, Amasya, Tokat’ı gezer. Ardından İran’a geçer. Dupré Adrian, 1882 sonbaharında kuzey Phrygia, Paphlagonia ve Bithynia’ya (Nikomedia: İzmit ve Nikaea: İznik) bir gezi gerçekleştirir. “Voyages en Perse fait dans les Années 1807, 1808, 1809, Paris 1819”: ”1807, 1808 & 1809 Yıllarında Yapılan İran Seyahatı, 1819, Paris, France”.

069) 1808, Şeyh Ali Zubari []: 1223 senesi Cemayizülevvel ayının dokuzuncu günü (02.08.1808), 63 gün süren Antakya – İstanbul yolculuğunu anlattığı öyküsünde İzmit’e ilişkin gözlemlerini aktarır.

070) 1808, J. M. Tancoigne []: J. M. Tancoigne, 8 Eylül 1807-2 Ekim 1809 arasında gerçekleştirdiği gezisi esnasında İzmit, İznik, Ankara, Tokat’ı gezer. Ardından İran’a geçer. Gezi notlarını “Lettres sur la Perse et la Turquie d’Asie: İran ve Asya'daki Türkiye Mektupları” adlı yapıtta toplar. “Lettres sur la Perse et la Turquie d'Asie: Tome 1 (French Edition) by J. M. Tancoigne”. ISBN: 0543954714, ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780543954718, Publisher: Adamant Media Corporation, 27/09/2004, Pages: 307.

071) 1809, Paul Ange Louis de Gardane []: 1809 Eylül’ünde Anadolu’ya gelen Şövalye Ange de Gardane, 18 Nisan’a kadar İzmit, İznik, Tokat, Ankara ve Erzurum’u gezer, ardından İran’a geçer. Dönüşünde bir kez daha İzmit’ten geçer. “Paul Ange de Gardane, Journal d’un Voyage dans la Turquie d’Asie et de la Perse fait en 1807, 1808 et 1809”: 1807, 1808 & 1809 Yılarında İran ve Asya'daki Türkiye’ye Yapılan Seyahat Günlükleri“. “Gardane, Paul-Ange Louis de, Journal d’un voyage dans la Turquie d’Asie et la Perse, fait en 1807 et 1808, 1809”.

072) 1809, James Justinian Morier [1780–1845]: Diplomat, gezgin, haberci ve doğu uzmanı James Justinian Morier, tüccar ve diplomat bir ailenin oğlu olarak İzmir’de doğar. Daha sonra İngiliz uyruğuna geçer. 1808 yılında Tahran’daki İngiliz elçiliğinde yardımcı olarak çalışmak üzere Türkiye’den İran’a yolculuk yapar. Dönüş yolculuğunu Anadolu üzerinden İstanbul’a gerçekleştirir. Bu gezisini anlatan yapıtı 1812 yılında yayınlanır; “Morier, A Journey Through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, to Constantinople, in the Years 1808 and 1809, London 1812”: “1808 & 1809 Yıllarında İran, Ermenistan & Küçük Asya’dan İstanbul’a Seyahat, Londra 1812”. He was born in 1782 in Ottoman Izmir (Smyrna), the second son of Isaac Morier, a Swiss-born merchant, British by naturalisation, and a member of the London-based Levant Company, and Elizabeth Clara Van Lennep. After private education in England, he worked in his father's Izmir business between 1799 and 1806. He first visited Iran in 1808 as secretary to Harford (later Sir Harford) Jones, a special British envoy to the Shah, publishing an account of his experiences in 1812 under the title “A Journey through Iran, Armenia and Asia Minor to Constantinople in the years 1808 and 1809”. In 1809 he accompanied the Iranian envoy to Britain, Mirza Abul Hasan, and in 1810 returned to Iran as Secretary of Embassy on the staff of Sir Gore Ouseley, first ambassador to Iran. He remained there as Chargé d'Affaires in 1814 until 1816 and after his return to England he published “A Second Journey through Iran to Constantinople between the years 1810 and 1816”.

073) 1810, Osman Şakir Efendi []: İran Şahı nezdinde büyükelçiliğe atanır. 19 Ekim 1810’da İstanbul’dan İran’a doğru yola çıkar. “Musavver sefaretname-i İran, 1811: Büyükelçilerin Seyahat Notları” Yasinci Zade Abdülvahhap Efendi maiyetine çevirmen olarak katılan Bozoklu Osman Şakir Efendi tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. “Osman Şakir Efendi (Bozoklu)”, Yaşamları ve Yapıtlarıyla, Osmanlılar Ansiklopedisi, I-II, İstanbul 1999. II, s. 416.

074) 1810, John Galt [1779–1839]: Bir kaptanın oğlu olarak dünyaya gelen İskoç gezgin John Galt, yaptığı geziler arasında geldiği İstanbul’da bir süre kalır ve yılın son günlerinde İzmit’e, oradan da Kerpe’ye geçer. “John Galt, Voyages and Travels in the Years 1809, 1810 and 1811, London 1812, s. 292 – 299 & John Galt, Autobiographie, c. 1, böl. 12, London 1833”. “Galt, John Voyages and Travels, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811. London: 1813. Fiches: 5, 7397-7”. Scottish novelist, poet, dramatist, editori short story & travel writer.

075) 1812, M. Bruce []: William George Brown (1797) ile aynı yolu yani Kayseri, Ankara, Sapanca, İzmit yolunu izlemiş ancak William George Brown’un kitabında olmayan yer adları ve uzaklıkları da vermiştir.

076) 1812, William Ouseley [1769-1842]: Ousley’in seyahatnamesine ulaşılamamış olmasına karşın 5 Mart 1828’de İngiliz Kraliyet Edebiyat Akademis’nde yaptığı “Bithynia’nın eski başkenti Nikomedia hakkında tarihsel notlar” başlıklı konuşması yine de İzmit ve çevresine yaptığı gezisi hakkında oldukça ayrıntılı bilgiler sunar. “Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the U.K., V. 1, S.. 2, London 1829”. “Travels in Various Countries of the East, more particulary Persia”. In 1795 he published “Persian Miscellanies”; in 1797-1799, “Oriental Collections”; in 1799, “Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia”; in 1800, “The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal (The Oriental Geography of Ibn Hawqal)”;and in 1801, a translation of the “Bakhtiyar Nama and Observations on Some Medals and Gems” He received the degree of LL.D. from the University of Dublin in 1797, and in 1800 he was knighted. When his younger brother, Sir Gore Ouseley, was sent, in 1810, as Ambassador to what was then called Persia (Iran), Sir William accompanied him as his Secretary. He returned to England in 1813, and in 1819-1823 published, in three volumes, “Travels in Various Countries of Middle East, especially Persia (Iran)”, in 1810, 1811 and 1852. He also published editions of the “Travels and Arabian Proverbs of Burckhardt”. He contributed a number of important papers to the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature.

077) 1814, John MacDonald Kinneir [1782-1830]: 1813 ve 1814 yıllarında, Anadolu’da değişik yönlere coğrafi geziler yapan Yüzbaşı MacDonald Kinneir, İstanbul’dan ayrıldıktan sonra ilk önemli durağı İznik olur. Buradan Eskişehir, Sivrihisar, Yarma, Ankara, Yozgat, Kayseri, Tarsus, İskenderun, Latakya, Kıbrıs, Kalenderi, Karaman, Konya, Akşehir, Afyon, Kütahya üzerinden Bursa’ya geçer. Marmara Denizi’nden bindiği bir gemi ile İstanbul’a döner. “M. Eyries, Abrégé des Voyages Modernes depuis 1780 jusqu’a nos Jours, c.14, Paris 1824”. “Kinneir, Journey Through Asia Minor in the Years 1813 and 1814 with remarks on the Marches of Alexander and Retreat of Ten Thousand, London 1818”. British traveller and diplomat. He was envoy to Persia 1824-30, and his mediation brought to an end the Russo-Persian War 1827-He published “Narrative of Travels in Asia Minor, Armenia, and Kurdistan in 1813-14 1818”. “A geographical memoir of the Persian empire. by Kinneir, John Macdonald Sir, Published in 1973, Arno Press (New York)”. 28.

078) 1815-16 Otto Friedrich von Richter [1792-1816]: Otto Friedrich von Richter, 1816 yılında Suriye ve Filistin’de kaptığı bir hastalıktan İzmir’de ölür. J. Ph. Gust. Ewers tarafından günlük ve mektuplarından derlenen ve 1822 yılında kitabında yayınlanan kitabı; “Otto Friedrich von Richter, Wallfahrten im Morgenlande, Berlin 1822: Sabah Ülkelerinde Hac“.He was born at August 6, 1792 in New Kusthof (Estonian: Vastse-Kuuste) at Dorpat, Livonia. He was a philologist and explorer. Richter studied classical philology and oriental languages at Heidelberg, Vienna and Constantinople. 1815 he traveled with Sven Lidman Frederik (1784-1845) Egypt and Nubia, 1816 Constantinople and Asia Minor. On this last trip, he succumbed to a contagious disease and died August 13, 1816 in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey). Otto Friedrich von Richter. “Pilgrimages in the Morning Lands”: From his diaries and letters displayed by Johann Philipp Gustav Ewers. Berlin, 1822.

079) 1818, Graf István Széchenyi [1791-1860]: Kont István Széchenyi, 1825 yılından 1848 ihtilaline kadar Macaristan’ın en büyük reformist politikacısı. 1825 yılında Széchenyi, Preussburg’daki Eyalet Meclisinde çiftliklerinin yıllık gelirlerini Macar Bilimler Akademisi’nin kurulması için tahsis eder. Hafif Süvari yüzbaşısı olur. Napeleon’a karşı bağımsızlık savaşına katılır. “Graf Istvan Szecheny, Morgenlandische Fahrt, 1818-1819, Budapest 1925”: Doğu Ülkeleri Gezisi”. Széchenyi was born in Vienna. The Széchenyi were an old and influential noble family of Hungary. Széchenyi gained wider reputation in 1825, by donating the full annual income of his estates for the establishment of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. This was an important milestone in his life and for the reform movement. His relations with Lajos Kossuth were not good: he always thought Kossuth was a political agitator. Half of the country sympathised with him, and the other half with Kossuth. After the 1848 revolution he was convinced of the opportunity of achieving greater development of Hungary so he agreed to be the head of the Ministry of Transport and Social Affairs.

080) 1819, Vicomte de Marcellus [1795-1861]: He had come as an ambassador, one autumn day in 1820. “Marcellus, Souvenirs de l’Orient par le vicomte de Marcellus, c. 1, böl. 4, Paris 1839”. “Vicomte de Marcellus. Souvenirs de l'Orient. Paris, 1839. Vingt jours en Sicile. Paris, 1841. Trois volumes in-8°, demi veau bleu, dos à faux-nerfs. Quelques rousseurs au volume sur la Sicile. (total : 3 volumes)”.
081) 1823, Dr. Robert Walsh [1772–1852]: 1820 yılında İstanbul’a elçi tayin edilen Lord Strangford ile birlikte İngiltere’den ayrılan, seyahatnamesinin birinci cildini oluşturacak olan Cebelitarık, Malta, Korfu, Zante, Ege Adaları, Milo, Atina, Naxia, Antiporos’u gezdikten sonra Truva ve Gelibolu üzerinden İstanbul’a varır. Dört yıl İstanbul’da ikamet eden Dr. R. Walsh, 1823 yılında Bithynia’ya bir yaz gezisi gerçekleştirmiştir. “Robert Walsh, A Residence at Constantinople, During a Period including the Commencement, Progress and Termination of the Greek and Turkish Revolutions, V2, London, 1836”. Rev. Robert Walsh, LL.D. Chaplain to the British Embassy at the Ottoman Porte, and Author of "A Residence at Constantinople."

082) 1825, Joseph-Marie Jouannin []: Fransız Elçiliği’nin İstanbul’daki ilk çevirmeni. Joseph-Marie Jouannin, basılmamış gezi notlarının özetini “1825 Yılında Bithynia’da Bursa’ya Yapılan Bir Gezi’nin Anıları” başlığı altında 3 Nisan 1829’da “Coğrafya Topluluğu”nda sunar. “Jouannin, Souvenirs d’un Séjour a Brousse, dans l’Année 1825” (3 Nisan 1829’da Société de Géographie’de okunmuş ve yayınlanmamış bir gezi özeti). Jouannin resided in Constantinople between the years 1803 to 1810 and again 1817- 1826. He was first interpreter to the French embassy and later director of the Ecole des Jeunes de Langues. Included in the series "Univers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples". Atabey 622 Blackmer 889. “Jouannin, Joseph Marie & Van Gaver, Jules: Turquie. Paris, Firmin Didot Fraares, 1840. [Pp. (iv), 462, (2)”. With two double folded maps (of Turkey and Constantinople) and 95 engraved plates. Contemporary boards, flat calf spine decorated in gilt, spine damaged and hinges cracked. First edition, first issue. This work treats the religion, customs and manners, production, costumes, etc. of Turkey. The beautiful plates depict historical buildings, views, costumes, etc.]. “L’Univers ou histoire et description de tous les peuples: Turquie, Joseph Marie Jouannin, Jules Van Gaver”, Paris : Éditeurs, Firmin Didot Frères Imprimeurs-Libraires de l’Institut de France (Rue Jacob, No: 56), 1840.

083) 1825, Anton Prokesch von Osten [1795-1876]: İki yıl İzmir’de kalan antika meraklısı Avusturyalı binbaşı ve diplomat Anton Prokesch von Osten, 1824 Ekim ayından itibaren çevre kentlere gezilerine başlar. 1825 yılının son aylarında gerçekleştirdiği gezisinde 1. Haçlıların geçtiği yolu izler. Manisa, Akhisar, Gelenbe, Uluabat, Bursa, Yenişehir, İznik ve İzmit üzerinden İstanbul’a geri döner. Daniel Bertsch. Anton Prokesch von Osten: Ein Diplomat Osterreichs in Athen und an der Hohen Pforte. Beitrage zur Wahrnehmung des Orients im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts. Munchen: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2005. 754 S. (gebunden), ISBN 978-3-486-57737-2. “Prokesch von Osten, A., 1836-37, Denkwürdigkeiten und Erinnerungen aus dem Orient von Ritter Prokesch von Osten aus jul. Schellers Nachlass herausgegeben von Dr. Ernst Münch, 3 vols., Stuttgart.“

084) 1824, Hasse []: Hasse, Journal Asiatique (Rapport), Sur une Inscription Grecque découverte dans une vallée voisine de Nicomedie par M. Jouannin premier drogman de l’Ambassade, c. VIII, Paris 1826.

085) 1826, Louis Joseph Alexandre de Laborde [1773-1842]: Kont Louis Joseph Alexandre de Laborde bir liberal politikacı, antikacı ve yazar bir Fransızdı. was a French antiquary, liberal politician and writer, a member of the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques
(1832), under the rubric political economy.

086) 1827, Josiah Brewer []: 1827 yılında Akdeniz etrafındaki görevleri nedeniyle İstanbul’da kalmış olan Brewer, bu anılarını, dolayısı ile Bithynia yöresine yaptığı gezi notlarını 1830 yılında yayınlar. “Josiah Brewer, A Residence at Constantinople in the year 1827 with notes to Present Time (Missionarry to the Mediterrenean), Sec. 18 (Tour Along the Coast of Bithynia), Pg. 166-180, New Haven 1830”.

087) 1828, Serristori []: Rusya ordusunda albay olarak hizmet veren Kont Serristori’nin 1828 ve 1829’da bir kez daha gözden geçirilmiş notları. “Serristori, Itinéraire de Constantinople a Abouchir rédigé dans les années 1828 et 1829, Société de Géographie, 1834, s. 358-359”.

088) 1829, Baron Félix de Beaujour [1765-1836]: “Félix de Beaujour, Voyage Militaire dans l’Empire Othoman ou Description de ses Frontieres, c.2, s. 145-147, Paris 1829”. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Bir Askeri Seyahat”.

089) 1829, George Thomas Keppel Albemarle [1799 –1891]: George Thomas Keppel Albemarle 8 Aralık 1829’da İstanbul Üsküdar’dan başlar Anadolu yolculuğuna. “Keppel George, Journey Across the Balcan and Newly Discovered Ruins in Asia Minor in the Years 1829-1830, c. 2, s. 140-169, Londra 1831”. George Thomas Keppel Albemarle was a British soldier and politician. Narrative of “a journey across the Balcan”, by the two passes of Selimno and Pravadi: Also of a visit to Azani, and other newly discovered ruins in Asia Minor in the years 1829-1830.

090) 1830, Adolphus Slade [1804- 1877]: İngiliz Kraliyet Donanmasının bir teğmeni olan Adolphus Slade İstanbul’da bulunduğu bir yıllık süreç sonunda, 1830 Mayıs ayında “Blonde” adlı fırkateyn ile İzmit’e kısa bir gezi yapar. Adolphus Slade, “Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece & c. And of a Cruise in the Black Sea in the Years 1829, 1830 and 1831, c. 2, böl. 24, s. 335, Londra 1833; New Works: Slade, Travels in Turkey and Greece, Baltimore 1833, s. 169”. Adolphus Slade R.N. Fifth son of General Sir John Slade, Bart., of Maunsell House, Somerset. He was from 1849 2 April 1866, Admiral in the Turkish navy, with the title of Mushaver (consulting) Pasha. He was called as [Mushaver Pasha] “Consultant Pasha.

091) 1830-1833, Camille Antoine Callier [1804-1889]: (Camille Antoine) Callier & MM. Stamaty, Gezi Notları’nda önemli tomografik bilgiler de sunan iki gezgin İzmir’den geldikleri İstanbul’da üç ay kaldıktan sonra İzmit ve İznik’i gezerler. Sonrasında Sapanca ve Sakarya Irmağı üzerinden Lefke’ye yönelirler. Bir ara Joseph François Michaud’nun da katıldığı yolcululuklarının ileriki aşamalarında birbirlerinden ayrılarak değişik rotalar izlerler. “Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, age, c. 2, s. 203-207: Voyage par Terre de Smyrne a Constantinople”. “Lettre de MM. Stamaty et Callier à M. Michaud sur les parties inconnues de l'Asie-Mineure”. Camille Antoine Callier, Brigadier General, Commander of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour, of the Red Eagle of Prussia, of St. Gregory the Great of the Nichan Iftijar of Turkey. 14/01/53 Général de brigade puis 13/08/63 Général de division Camille-Antoine Callier (1804-1889): Chevalier puis Officier puis Commandeur puis Grand Officier. [Avant la guerre: en réserve.] [Après la guerre: 10/10/78 en retraite.] Général. 7 L.A.S., 1863-1869, à Napoléon III, ou à son chef de cabinet Constant Mocquard, ou à son successeur, plus 4 minutes de réponse ; 20 pages formats divers, plusieurs en-tête et cachets Cabinet de l'Empereur.

092) 1830-1833, M.M. Stamaty [?-1831]: (Camille Antoine) Callier & MM. Stamaty, Gezi Notları’nda önemli tomografik bilgiler de sunan iki gezgin İzmir’den döndükleri İstanbul’da üç ay kaldıktan sonra İzmit ve İznik’i gezerler. Sonrasında Sapanca ve Sakarya Irmağı üzerinden Lefke’ye yönelirler. Bir ara Joseph François Michaud’nun da katıldığı yolcululuklarının ileriki aşamalarında birbirlerinden ayrılarak değişik rotalar izlerler. “Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, age, c. 2, s. 203-207: Voyage par Terre de Smyrne a Constantinople”. “Lettre de MM. Stamaty et Callier à M. Michaud sur les parties inconnues de l'Asie-Mineure”.

093) 1830-1833, Joseph François Michaud [1767-1839]: (Camille Antoine) Callier & MM. Stamaty, Gezi Notları’nda önemli tomografik bilgiler de sunan iki gezgin Callier & MM. Stamaty İzmir’den döndükleri İstanbul’da üç ay kaldıktan sonra İzmit ve İznik’i gezerler. Sonrasında Sapanca ve Sakarya Irmağı üzerinden Lefke’ye yönelirler. Bir ara Joseph François Michaud’nun da katıldığı yolcululuklarının ileriki aşamalarında birbirlerinden ayrılarak değişik rotalar izlerler. “Louis Viven de Saint-Martin, age, c. 2, s. 203-207: Voyage par Terre de Smyrne a Constantinople”. “Lettre de MM. Stamaty et Callier à M. Michaud sur les parties inconnues de l'Asie-Mineure”. In 1830-1831 he travelled in Syria and Egypt for the purpose of collecting additional materials for the Histoire des croisades; his correspondence with a fellow explorer, Jean Joseph François Poujoulat, consisting practically of discussions and elucidations of various points in that work, was afterwards published (Correspondance d'Orient, 7 vols., 1833-1835). Like the Histoire, it is more interesting than exact. The Bibliothèque des croisades, in four volumes more, contained the "Pièces justificatives" of the Histoire. Michaud died at Passy, where his home had been since 1832. His Histoire des croisades was published in its final form in six volumes in 1840 under the editorship of his friend Poujoulat (9th ed., with appendix, by Huillard-Bréholles, 1856). Michaud, along with Poujoulat, also edited “Nouvelle collection des mémoires pour servir de l'histoire de France (32 vols., 1836-1844). See Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du lundi, vol. vii.”.

094) 1831, Joseph Wolff [1795-1862]: İran’a gitmek üzere 21 Nisan’da İstanbul’dan yola çıkarak Trabzon’a yönelen Wolff, 22 Nisan’da İzmit’e ulaşır. “Joseph Wollf, Researches and Missionary Labours, s. 14, Londra 1835.” Jewish Christian missionary, was born at Weilersbach, near Bamberg, Germany. Wolff was a keen Oriental scholar. In 1821 he began his missionary wanderings in the East by visiting Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, Aleppo, Mesopotamia, Persia, Tiflis and the Crimea, returned to England in 1826. In 1828 Wolff set out to search for the ten tribes, travelling through Anatolia, Armenia, Turkestan and Afghanistan to Simla and Calcutta, suffering many hardships but preaching with enthusiasm. “Travels and adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, D.D., LL. D: Vicar of Ile Brewers, near Taunton; and late missionary to the Jews and Muhammadans in Persia, Bokhara, Cashmeer, etc. London, Saunders, Otley and Co., 1861.” “Missionary journal and memoir of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, written by himself; revised and edited by John Bayford. London, J. Duncan, 1824. Further editions: 1827, 1829”. “Researches and missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other sects. London, J. Nisbet & Co., 1835. Reprints: Philadelphia, O. Rogers, 1837”.

095) 1832, David Porter [1780-1843]: Sultan Mahmut döneminde İstanbul’da uzun süre kalan hatta Amerikan maslahatgüzarlığı yapan ve bu sürede yaşadıklarını mektupları ile yazıya döken Amerikalı gezgin Sir James Porter, 1832 Haziran’ında İzmit, İznik ve Bursa’ya bir gezi yapar. “Porter, Istanbul and Its Environs, c.1, New York 1835, s. 205-215”. “David Porter, Constantinople and its Environs, New York, 1835”. “Porter, David, Constantinople and its Environs by an American, New York, Harper, 1835.” Porter, David, naval officer, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 1 February, 1780; died in Pera, near Constantinople, Turkey, 3 March, 1843. Five generations of this family have served in the navy. His grandfather, Alexander, commanded a Boston merchant-ship, giving his aid to the colonies, and his father, Captain David, with his brother Samuel, commanded vessels commissioned by General Washington in the Continental navy for the capture of ships carrying stores to the British army, which was a perilous service, the patriots often fighting their way to escape from the foe. He remained in this service until 1829, when he returned to the United States, having been treated treacherously by the Mexican officials. He was afterward appointed consul-general to the Barbary states, from which post he was transferred to Constantinople as charge d'affaires, and was made minister resident there in 1831, which office he held until his death. He was buried in the grounds of the naval asylum in Philadelphia. It is a singular fact that the two most distinguished officers of the United States navy fought their first battles under his command --his son, David D., and David G. Parragut (q. v.), the latter of whom he adopted in 1809. Commander Porter was the author of "Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacifick Ocean in the United States Frigate ' Essex' in 1812-'13-'14," illustrated with his own drawings (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1815 ; 2d ed., New York, 1822), and "Constantinople and its Environs," by an American long resident (2 vols., 1835).

096) 1830, Eli Smith [1801-1857] & H. G. O. Divide [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight]: “American Board” tarafından görevlendirilen Eli Smith ve H. G. O. Divide [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight] 26 Mart 1830 İzmir’de karaya ayak basarlar. Sonrasında da Marmara Denizi kıyısına kadar atla, ardından tekne ile 19 Nisan’da da İstanbul’a varırlar. 21 Mayıs sabahı saat 10’da hareketle Üsküdar, Bostancı, Maltepe, Kartal, Pendik üzerinden öğleden sonra saat 6’da Gebze’ye varırlar. “Eli Smith, Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H.G.O. Divide in Armenia through Asia Minor, c. 1, New York 1833, s. 75-79.” “Missionary researches in Armenia: including a journey through Asia Minor and into Georgia and Persia, with a visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean christians of Oormiah and Salmas / Eli Smith, H. G. O. Dwight”. Eli Smith was an American Protestant Missionary and scholar, born at Northford, Conn. He graduated from Yale in 1821 and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1826. He worked in Malta until 1829, then in company with H. G. O. Dwight [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight] traveled through Armenia and Georgia to Persia. They published their observations, “Missionary Researches in Armenia in 1833 in two volumes”. Eli Smith settled in Beirut in 1833. Along with Edward Robinson, he made two trips to the Holy Land, then pursued the task which he considered to be his life's work: translation of the Bible into Arabic. Although he died before completing the task, the work was completed by C. V. Van Dyck of the Syrian Mission and published in 1860 to 1865.

097) 1830, Eli Smith & H. G. O. Divide [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight, 1803-1862]: “American Board” tarafından görevlendirilen Eli Smith ve H. G. O. Divide [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight] 26 Mart 1830 İzmir’de karaya ayak basarlar. Sonrasında da Marmara Denizi kıyısına kadar atla, ardından tekne ile 19 Nisan’da da İstanbul’a varırlar. 21 Mayıs sabahı saat 10’da hareketle Üsküdar, Bostancı, Maltepe, Kartal, Pendik üzerinden öğleden sonra saat 6’da Gebze’ye varırlar. “Eli Smith, Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H.G.O. Divide in Armenia through Asia Minor, c. 1, New York 1833, s. 75-79.” “Missionary researches in Armenia: including a journey through Asia Minor and into Georgia and Persia, with a visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean christians of Oormiah and Salmas / Eli Smith, H. G. O. Dwight”. H. G. O. Dwight [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight] was an American Congregational missionary, born at Conway, Massachusetts. He graduated from Hamilton College in 1825 and went on to study theology in Andover. He was sent to assist in the Armenian missions. He wrote: Christianity Revived in the East (1850). H. G. O. Dwight [Harrison Gray Otis Dwight], in company with Eli Smith traveled through Armenia and Georgia to Persia. They published their observations, “Missionary Researches in Armenia in 1833 in two volumes”.

098) 1833, James Baillie Fraser [1783-1856]: James Baillie, Aralık 1832’de Londra’da başladığı gezisi esnasında İstanbul’a vardıktan sonra İzmit, Amasya, Tokat’ı gezip İran’a geçmiştir. Anılarını ve gözlemlerini “Bir Kış Mevsiminde İstanbul’dan Tahran’a Yolculuk” adlı yapıtında anlatır. “James Baillie Fraser, A Winter’s Journey (Ttar), from Constantinople to Tehran, cilt 2, Londra 1938, s. 182-184.” James Baillie Fraser was a Scottish traveller and author. He was born at Reelick in the county of Inverness. He died at Reelick. Fraser's earliest writings are: “Journal of a Tour through Part of the Himdi Mountains and to the Sources of the Jumna and the Ganges (1820)”; “A Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan in the Years 1823 and 1822”, including some “Account of the Countries to the North-East of Persia (1825)”; and “Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea (1826)”. His romances include “The Kuzzilbash, a Tale of Khorasan (1828)”, and its sequel “The Persian Adventurer (1830)”; “Alice Neeinroo (1842)”; and “The Dari Falcon (1844)”. He also wrote “An Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia (1834)”; “A Winter's Journey (Ttar) from Constantinople to Teheran (1838)”; “Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, etc. (1840) Mesopotamia and Assyria (1842)”; and “Military Memoirs of Col. James Skinner (1851)”.

099) 1834 & 1837, Remy Aucher Eloy []:
100) 1836, William J. Hamilton []:
101) 1837, Thomas Allom []:
102) 1837, Baptistin Poujoulat [Jean Joseph François Poujoulat]:
103) 1838, Charles Fellows []:
104) 1838, William Francis Ainsworth []:
105) 1838, Eugene Boré []:
106) 1843-1844, Philippe Le Bas []:
107) 1843, Charles Texier []: Küçük Asya, Çeviren : Ali Suat,
108) 1841-1848, Heinrich Kiepert ve oğlu Richard (1902) []:
109) 1847, Xavier Hommaire de Hell []:
110) 1848, Charles Mac Farlane []:
111) 1850, Pierre von Tchihatchef []:
112) 1853, James Henry Skene []:
113) 1854, James Porter []:
114) 1856, H. Poole []:
115) 1856, Edmund Hornby []:
116) 1861, Georges Perrot []:
117) 1862, Alphonse de Moustier []:
118) 1862, Kubinyi & Henszlmann & Ipolyi []:
119) 1876, Frederick Burnaby []:
120) 1877, Pierre Loti []:
121) 1882, Jules Verne []:
122) 1885, Thomas Stevens []:
123) 1888, Kalman Thaly & Ignac Kunos []:
124) 1890, Dr. Edmund Naumann []:
125) 1893, Vital Cuinet (İstatiksel Verilerle Kocaeli) []:
126) 1890, Ahmed Midhat []:
127) 1893 & 1900, Walther von Diest []:
128) 1895, Baron von der Goltz []:
129) 1896, Ernst Kalinka []:
130) 1900, Rudolf Fitzner []:
131) 1903, Lajos Szadeczky-Kardoss []:
132) 1907, Gertrude Bell []:
133) 1910, Banfe []:
134) 1911, Frederick George Aflalo []:
135) 1877 & 1911 & 1915, Andreas David Mordtman []:
136) 1911, Ignaş Kunoş []:
137) 1912, Eugene Dallegio []:
138) 1916, Franz Carl Endres []:
139) 1915-1919, Nogales Méndez []:
140) 1921, W. Endriss []:
141) 1934 & 1957, Nahid Sırrı Örik []:
142) 1941, Karl Dörner []:
143) 1961, Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi []:
144) 1995, John Ash []:
145) 2000, John Freely[]:
This is a tentative, unfinished version of work. January 7, 2009, Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey By Erkan Kiraz
© Copyright 1999-2000-2009. Pictures, Documents, Materials, Stories, Ottoman Archives, Turkish Republic Archives or Other Information & Knowledge in this page may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from Erkan Kiraz, nor may it be sold or otherwise transferred to a third parties.

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Kirklareli - Kirk Kilise (Les Quarante Eglises) Las Cuarenta Iglesias

(Les Quarante Eglises) Las Cuarenta Iglesiasà partir d'un fragment de la les travaux suivants: Jouannin, Joseph Marie & Jules Van Gaver.

Turquie, Kirklareli, en Bulgare Lozengrad «ville du vignoble», est une ville de Turquie, préfecture de la province éponyme, située en Thrace et frontalière avec la Bulgarie.

La ville s'appelait sous l'Empire Byzantin Saránda Eklisiés Signifiant «quarante églises», nom dont on ignore l'origine. Les Ottomans traduisirent ce nom au XIVe siècle en Kirkkilise ou Kirk-Kilissé. La ville fut renommée en Kirklareli «ville des Quarante» en 1924, peut-être en référence aux quarante guerriers envoyés par Mourad Ier pour conquérir la ville (un mémorial construit sur une La bataille de Kirk-Kilissé opposa, pendant La Première Guerre Balkanique, les forces bulgares et Ottomanes le 24 octobre 1912, et qui se solda par une victoire Bulgare.

"Jouannin, Joseph Marie & Van Gaver, Jules: Turquie. Paris, Firmin Didot Fraares, 1840. [Pp. (iv), 462, (2”. Avec deux cartes pliées double (de la Turquie et de Constantinople) et 95 plaques gravées. Contemporary boards, dos plat décoré en veau doré, de la colonne vertébrale endommagée et charnières fendus. Première édition, première question. Ce travail traite de la religion, les coutumes et les mœurs, la production, les costumes, etc de la Turquie. Les belles plaques représentent des bâtiments historiques, des vues, des costumes, etc.]

(Forty Churches) Las Cuarenta Iglesias from a fragment of the the following work: Jouannin, Joseph & Marie Jules Van Gaver.

Turkey, Kirklareli, in Bulgarian Lozengrad "city vineyard", is a city in Turkey, the prefecture of the eponymous province, situated in Thrace and border with Bulgaria.

The city called in the Byzantine Empire “Saranda Eklisiés” meaning "Forty Churches", a name of unknown origin. The Ottomans translated this name to the fourteenth century or “Kirkkilise”, “Kirk-Kilissé”. The city was renamed in “Kirklareli:, city of Forty" in 1924, perhaps in reference to the forty warriors sent by Murad I to conquer the city (a memorial built on a battle of “Kirk-Kilissé” contrast, during the First Balkan War, the Bulgarian and Ottoman forces on 24 October 1912, which ended with a victory Bulgarian.

“Jouannin, Joseph Marie & Van Gaver, Jules: Turquie. Paris, Firmin Didot Fraares, 1840. [Pp. (iv), 462, (2)”. With two double folded maps (of Turkey and Constantinople) and 95 engraved plates. Contemporary boards, flat calf spine decorated in gilt, spine damaged and hinges cracked. First edition, first issue. This work treats the religion, customs and manners, production, costumes, etc. of Turkey. The beautiful plates depict historical buildings, views, costumes, etc.].
© Copyright 1999-2000-2009. Pictures, Documents, Materials, Stories, Ottoman Archives, Turkish Republic Archives or Other Information & Knowledge in this page may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission from Erkan Kiraz, nor may it be sold or otherwise transferred to a third parties.

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