Digging Out Hidden History By Hands of Nezih Uzel, Sapanca, Sakarya-Turkey – Nezih Uzel’in Gizli Dunyasini Kesif, Sapanca-Sakarya
Digging Out Hidden History By Hands of Nezih Uzel
Nezih Uzel was using nice and heart-touching words for praising me while he was fingering our some boxes, packs and packages out from his oldtimer closet.
He was narrating us like he was talking béchamel only; “Erkan Bey please snap those materials while I was alive and giving you detailed information what materials were used for what aim and how I purchased them or inherited me from whom”. We encircled him in his larger saloon, which its walls were decorated with many Black & White Oldtimer Family Pictures, Mevlevi Sema Dancers, Lingua Ottomani Texts frames and many others.
He showed me first by uncovering a Gramophone Closet. Gramophone was topped on a long box. Below it there was a drawer filled with Gramophone Needles Boxes. Below the drawer there was a section made suitable for Stone Odeon LP Records. In down below there was another empty section. The logo so well known “Owner’s Sound” depicting a dog singing into an oldtimer speaker. He turned around a few times the spring handle for playing a Greek Voiced LP Record brand named as Odeon.
While we are listening a trembling lady voice singing a broken-love story in Greek, Nezih Uzel propped out a handle-grenade used during WWI by British Empire Army against Ottoman Empire Troops at Canakkale War [Gallipoli-Dardanelle Wars]. He screwed out handle-grenade into two sections to show us how it was used by Private Rifle’s noose.
He was joking us that nearly 130 years ago; our ancestors were using this MP3 Player while he clicked open into two sections a box. It was a compact Gramophone Box, easy-usable by stretching each piece into their proper points and places. He fixed the LP Record platform and hand turned the spring and screeching and trembling Greek lady voice started into a rhythm of music.
A Blood Pressure Meter, a Electroshock Device and an ampoule of Gelatin Serum, Ottomani-French texted on bottle and the likes. Nezih Uzel was expecting me to show off all those precious materials and oldtimer devices into Digital World and he was so ensured and in belief that I would have done all his expectations… Here it is I do for publicize them into bare eyes of everybody…
All thanks and obligations go to Mr. Nezih Uzel. I am much obliged to him for his kindness and courtesy for opening his Hidden Historic World to my visor of my small camera. I know and I am so much aware Mr Uzel’s prosperous and wide kindness supplied me to touch bare living surfaces and skin of still living history. The sense of touching by fingers on Dusts of History is so hard to describe by words. To observe and grasp what looks like it, one must experience it personally.
Gramophone [Greek: γραμμα: grama: a letter [writing] + φωνής: phonés: a sound > γραμμαφωνής: gramaphonés > gramaphone: writing sound > record sound]: The British English term for U.S. English "phonograph", the first device for recording and replaying sound. The two names were originally those used by rival manufacturers.
Phonograph [Greek: φωνή: phoné: sound or voice + γραφή: graphé: writing > φωνήγραφή: phonégraphé > Phonograph: sound writer]: The record player, phonograph or gramophone was the most common device for playing recorded sound from the 1870s through the 1980s.
His Master’s Voice [HMv: Sahibinin Sesi]: It is a famous Trademark in the music business, and for many years was the name of a large record label. The name was coined in 1899 as the title of a painting of the dog Nipper listening to a wind-up gramophone. In the original painting, the dog was listening to a cylinder phonograph.
Odeon [Greek: ωδή: oidē: song > oidéō: ωδήων: to sing > oideîon: little theatre or concert hall]: Odeon Records was a record label founded by Max Strauss and Heinrich Zunz in Berlin, Germany. It was named after a famous theatre in Paris, whose classical dome appears on the Odeon record label. In 1904 Odeon launched the first double-sided gramophone records. It became a subsidiary of the Carl Lindström Company which also owned Beka Records, Parlophone and Fonotipia. Lindström was acquired by the English Columbia Graphophone Company in 1926. In 1931 Columbia merged with Electrola, HMV and other labels to form EMI. In 1936 the director of the Odeon branch was forced to retire and replaced by Dr Kepler, a Nazi party member. In 1939 Odeon and Electrola were placed under a Nazi-appointed administrator. When the Soviet Red Army occupied Berlin in 1945 it destroyed most of the Odeon factory. After 1945 Odeon continued to be used as a label for pressings made for West Africa. In Spain, Argentina and Brazil the label survived as an EMI subsidiary until the end of the LP era, mid 1980s, when it finally disappeared altogether. Most official Beatles releases, including solo, appeared on Odeon in many non-Anglophone markets like West Germany, Japan, Spain, South America, and France, some of which were slow to recognise Apple Records until up to 1971, then switched back to Odeon by 1976. Direct EMI—HMV exports to the USA, where the His Master's Voice label was owned by RCA Victor Records, bore pasted-over Odeon stickers. EMI's Argentinian branch still trades as EMI Odeon SAIC.
Serum Bottle: Sérum Gélatiné 5% Ampoules de ….. cc. Labaratoire Chark –Stamboul Responsable A.Stouyannidés [Gelatin Serum 5% Ampoule …cc. East Laboratory-Istanbul. Responsible A. Stouyannides].
Electroshock Device: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as electroshock, is a well established, albeit controversial psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in anesthetized patients for therapeutic effect. Today, ECT is most often used as a treatment for severe major depression which has not responded to other treatment, and is also used in the treatment of mania (often in bipolar disorder), catatonia, schizophrenia and other disorders. It was first introduced in the 1930s and gained widespread use as a form of treatment in the 1940s and 1950s;
Blood Pressure Meter [Sphygmomanometer]: A sphygmomanometer blood pressure meter is a device used to measure blood pressure, comprising an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a mercury or mechanical manometer to measure the pressure. It is always used in conjunction with a means to determine at what pressure blood flow is just starting, and at what pressure it is unimpeded. Manual sphygmomanometers are used in conjunction with a stethoscope. The word comes from the Greek sphygmós (pulse), plus the scientific term manometer (pressure meter). The device was invented by Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch. Scipione Riva-Rocci, an Italian physician, introduced a more easily used version in 1896. Harvey Cushing discovered this device in 1901 and popularized it. A sphygmomanometer consists of an inflatable cuff, a measuring unit (the mercury manometer, or aneroid gauge), and inflation bulb and valve, for manual instruments.
Binocular or Field Glasses: WWI time Carl Zeis binocular with leather case, leather neckstring and leather-covered handgrasping sections.
Carl Zeiss [September 11, 1816 – December 3, 1888]: He was an optician commonly known for the company he founded, Carl Zeiss Jena (now: Carl Zeiss AG). Zeiss made contributions to lens manufacturing that have aided the modern production of lenses. Raised in Weimar, Germany, he became a notable lens maker in the 1840s when he created high quality lenses that were "wide open", or in other words, had a very large aperture range that allowed for very bright images. He did this in the city of Jena at a self opened workshop, where he started his lens making career. At first his lenses were only used in the production of microscopes, but when cameras were invented, his company began manufacturing high quality lenses for cameras. He died in Jena on December 3, 1888.
Carl Zeiss AG: The Carl Zeiss company is a German manufacturer of optical systems, industrial measurements and medical devices originally founded in Jena in 1846 by Carl Zeiss, Ernst Abbe, and Otto Schott. Due to the results of World War II there are currently two parts, the Carl Zeiss AG located in Oberkochen with important subsidiaries in Aalen, Göttingen and Munich and Carl Zeiss GmbH located in the foundation city Jena. The organisation is named after one of its founders, the German optician Carl Zeiss (1816–1888). Carl Zeiss is the premier company of the Zeiss Gruppe, one of the two large divisions of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung. The Zeiss Gruppe is located in Heidenheim and Jena.The other division of the Carl Zeiss Foundation, the glass manufacturer Schott AG and Jenaer Glaswerk, is located in Mainz and Jena. Carl Zeiss is one of the oldest existing optics manufacturers in the world.
Nezih Uzel [Mudanya, Bursa-Turkey, 1938-]: He is a Turkish journalist, writer & musician. His father, Mehmet Muhlis was from Hocazadeler Family from Shumnu [Шумен: Shumen, Bulgaria], who was veteran of Canakkale War [Gallipoli] & Doctor graduated in 1915 from Haydarpasha Tibbiye-i Shahane and Gulhane Military Hospital. His mother Ihsan Hacer, daughter of Huseyin Husnu Efendi, main teacher & trainer of Fatih Madreseh and imam of the Sari Gazi Mosque, who was born in Filibe [Local tongue: Hulube, Пловдив: Plovdiv, Bulgaria]. He moved to Istanbul in 1949 with his family.
He was graduated in 1957 from the Galatasaray High School [Ottoman: Sarayi Enderun-u Hümayunu: Galata Palace Imperial School and later the Galatasaray Mekteb-i Sultanisi: Galatasaray School of the Sultans, French: Lycée de Galatasaray].
As he lived in Istanbul, met with the last and most powerful representatives of the old culture; Professor in Ordinary, Doctor Suheyl Unver, headman of Kudumzen [player of the most fundamental rhythm instrument in classical Turkish Music] Sadettin Heper, headman of Neyzen [player of Persian: ین; Arabic: ينا; Turkish: ney; also nai, nye, nay, gagri tuiduk, or karghy tuiduk] Halil Can, teachers of Calligraphy, the calligraphers Necmettin Okyay, Halim Yazici, Bekir Pekten. He stepped in the Mevlevi Culture through Sheik Abdulbaki Efendi, who was son of the last sheik Yenikapi Mevlevihane [Mevlevi lodge] and the researcher and scientists Resuhi Baykara, Abdulbaki Golpinarli and Mithat Bahari Beytur.
He served for 15 years to Sheik Necmettin Ozbekkangay, who was the last sheik of old Uzbek Dergah [shrine of a Sufi saint] located in Uskudar [Scutari], Istanbul. He started to journalism with the promotion of Mevlevi [Whirling Dervish or Mevlevi Dancer] Refi Cevat Ulunay, who was the renowned columnist during his times. He reached and recognized with many columnists and writers of his period, such as Refik Halit Karay, Falih Rifki Atay, Resat Ekrem Kocu, and Yasar Kemal & Haldun Taner. In abroad, he recognized and worked with Raymond Cartier, the editor of French magazine Match, Roger Garaudy, Mme. Carrer d'Encausse, Edward Said and Anna Marie Schimmel. He translated those people’s books into Turkish.
He served as correspondent, columnist and research journalist for various domestic and foreign newspapers. In 1966, he served as Kudumzen for Istanbul Municipality Conservatory Executive Committee managed by Munir Nurettin Selcuk and at Istanbul Radio.
His 25 books on Islam, history, culture and art-related were published and, 28 records, CDs and Cassette containing the Sufi music, were released for sale. He established Istanbul Sema Group In Istanbul in 1981 by Semazenbasi [headman of Whirling Dancer] Ahmet Bican Kasaboglu in the framework of older Galata Mevlevihane currently Divan Literature Museum.
This group organized in-country and western countries more than 100 concerts and sema shows. It realized Sema Show for the first time, in the former Uskudar Mevlevihane, which was affiliated to Turkish Republic Galata Mevlevihane and Foundation Administration.
This group assumed the perform of Music and Sema events of Konya International Revival of Mevlana, upon the invitation of the Konya Municipality in 1987. That same year, the Group performed the first Sema ceremony in Kutahya Mevlevihane ever since it was established in 1925. The Group opened the Cairo Mevlevihane into service, which was restored and repaired by Prof. Guiseppe Fanfoni in 1998.
The Group took into their agenda the Crete, Hania, Lebanon, Jerusalem and Tripoli Mevlevihanes. The Istanbul Sema Group trained nearly 30 Semazen [Whirling Dancer] within 18 years in Istanbul. This group was source point for inspiration of Association of Mevlana in Paris and Rumi Society in London and Nefes Dernekleri [Breathing Associations] in Finland.
Currently, he has been serving as freelance journalist for two local national newspapers and three magazines, in abroad, kept as freelance journalist, writer and cultural organizer for foreign newspapers. Uzel was never got married.
Thanks for info to Wikipedia.Org about all those devices.
Nezih Uzel: http://www.tower.com/mevlana-nizeh-uzel-cd/wapi/106898273
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