Research On Ancient Bithynia Conference By KOU
Research On Ancient Bithynia Conference By KOU
Thursday 30 April 2009-Session I & II.
University of Kocaeli, Faculty of Literature and Sciences, Archeology Department, Head of Classical Archeology held its Session I of Internatinal Conference entitled “Research On Ancient Bithynia” on April 30th 2009, with participation of below academicians, doctorate students and section students of KOU and some members of NGOs from Izmit city.
Welcoming Speech was made by Ayse Calik Ross. Subject of “History of Bithynia Studies” would be made by Sencer Sahin from University of Akdeniz could not realized due to Sencer Sahin could not joing for some personal reasons beyon his control. Session I was chaired by A. Tuba Okse from Kocaeli University. Ayse Calik Ross from Kocaeli University & Bogazici University of Istanbul made her speech on “Archeological Survey of the Area of Nicomedia [Izmit]. Johnaton Ross was Turkish-English Translator.
F.Yavuz Ulugun, who is a member of Izmit NGO made his speech on “Research on the History of Izmit [Nicomedia] & Bithynia. Another member of local NGO, Nezih Uzel has made a short speech in French on Bithynia. Amelia Dowler from Oxford University, British Museum, UK made her speech on “Literary Soruces for Hllenistic Byzantine”.
A short break was given for some smoke and having beverages and cookies. Participants were involved in some chat and knowing each other some more in detail.
After break, Thomas Curston was first lecturered, who was both from University of Heidelberg, Germany and Oxford University, UK on “Changes of Landownership in Bithynia from the Hellenistic to the Roman Period”. The Session II was chaired by Sengul Aydingun from KOU. Haluk Cetinkaya from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbuk made his speech on “Survey of Byzantine Monasteries in Bithynia”. He was followed by Mustafa Sahin from Uludag University, Bursa on “Survey of Bursa & Its Regions: Keles”. The last lacturer of Session II and the first day was Fusun Tulek from KOU, made her speech on “The Mosaic Corpses of Bithynia & Paphlogonia Regions”.
Prof. Dr. Ayse Calik Ross: Head of Classical Archeology, Head of Survey of Kocaeli & Its Districs, Head of Nicomedia Project. Kocaeli University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Archeology, Umuttepe Campus, Kocaeli Universitesi [University of Kocaeli]: Umuttepe Yerleskesi, Eski Istanbul Yolu, 10. Km. 41380, Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey. Tel: +90-262-303 28 28 Dept, +90-262-303 71 57 Lab. GSM: +90-533-321 69 54., Emails:, &
Fusun Tulek: Kocaeli Universitesi [University of Kocaeli]: Umuttepe Yerleskesi, Eski Istanbul Yolu, 10. Km. 41380, Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey., Emails:,
F.Yavuz Ulugun: Researcher on the History of Izmit & Bithynia. Member of local NGO. Emails: &
KOU; Kocaeli Universitesi [University of Kocaeli]: Umuttepe Yerleskesi, Eski Istanbul Yolu, 10. Km. 41380, Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey. Tel: +90-262-303 10 00., Email:
Prof. Dr. Sencer Sahin: Head of the Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures of Akdeniz. Emeritus and Founder of the Department, Tel: (+9) 0 242 310 61 95, Email:,
Johnaton Ross:
Amelia Dowler: Curator of Greek coins, Greek and Roman provincial coins. Department: Coins and Medals: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7323 8577, Email:
Asst. Dozent, Dr. Haluk Cetinkaya: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi No: 24, Fındıklı 34427 Istanbul, Tel: +90-212 252 16 00.
Thomas Curston: University of Heidelberg, Germany and Oxford University, UK.
Mustafa Sahin: Uludag University, Bursa.
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